BUG in documentation: adding files

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BUG in documentation: adding files

Post by GermanUser » Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:40 am

Hello all,

the current soshelp.pdf states on page 8, Operations:

Adding All Files and Subprojects in a Folder

To add all files in a folder, select a folder from within the Folders list and then click OK.

The Add Folders Comment dialog box that is presented also contains the Recursive option. If the Recursive option is selected, then all subprojects in the selected folder will also be added to the project. Add any comments in the Comment field and then click OK. Any comments added in the Add Folders Comment dialog box will be globally applied to all of the files being added.

This is NOT true!

The documentation basically says that you should first select the project to put any files in (instructions further above, not reprinted in my excerpt).
So I did that.
Then it says that if I want to add all files within a folder, I should just select that folder in the dialog in order to get all files within that folder added.
So I did that (and checked the recursive option).
So I fully described what *I* did. Now what does that "§$% thing do?
It simply adds the *folder* itself (plus content) to the project instead of the *content only* of the folder as the documentation mis-states, thus me ends up with a "$/ --> somefolder --> myproject --> myproject" *duplicated* folder!
Since that was the first time to add something using SOS, I checked all steps in the docu to make sure I'd do it 300% right, so of course I was "very delighted" to see that it STILL went wrong DESPITE having read the documentation steps... :evil:

To make a long story short: please fix the glaringly wrong documentation. :)
(unless for some strange reason it's me who failed to do it right...)
Specifically: make sure the docu states that this will transfer the *folder* plus content, not only the folder's *content*!

Using registered sos-4.0.0-1 (Linux) on semi-updated RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux).

Thanks for an otherwise very cool product (and very good support environment),

Andreas Mohr

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:06 am

Hm. The documentation isn't as clear as it should be. I'll log this as a bug and we'll revise it for our next release.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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