Handoff requires the 32-bit Vault/Fortress Server, with IIS running in 32-bit mode. After a standard install of the 32-bit Server on a 64-bit IIS7 machine, IIS may still be running in 64-bit mode, and you may see this message when you try to set up a handoff:
... because even though your server is in fact the 32-bit version, IIS7 is running in its default 64-bit mode.
To correct this situation, start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager: (Control Panel / Administrative Tools)
NOTE: This procedure should only be followed with the 32-bit version of Vault/Fortress Server to force it into 32-bit mode under a 64-bit OS. The 64-bit Vault/Fortress Server will not funtion in 32-bit mode.
Under Application Pools right-click VaultAppPool and choose Advanced Settings...
Set Enable 32-Bit Applications to True and click [OK].
The change should be immediate, with no need to reset IIS.
Now when you set up a Handoff source, you should see this:
... which is another way of saying "Congratulations!!" You are ready to start enjoying the benefits of Handoff.