Large File Check-In

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Large File Check-In

Post by etienne » Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:54 am

We have a vendor that is helping us with development of a new system. We have given them VPN access so that they can use SourceOffsite to access our VSS instance.

When they try and add a large file (500kb and larger) we see in the log on the server that the client connected and then not too long after that that the client disconnected "User "xxxxxxxx" disconnected". The vendor informs us that when they try and add the file that the progress bar moves to about 8% and then stops. The client gets an error "Error sending data to server". The client can still continue work after this error, it is just that the large file was not added to VSS.

Server: 3.5.3 (No Crypt)
Client: 3.5.3 (No Crypt) we also tried 4.0.2 (both client behave the same)

I have tried the same function through VPN from home but was not able to reproduce the error. We have also disabled all VPN restrictions and the vendor still reported that they are experiencing the problem.

Are there any settings on the client or server that anybody can suggest?
What would cause the message "Error sending data to server"?

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Post by lbauer » Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:24 am

This sounds like a network error, especially since the upload succeeds when using a different client on a different connection.

It's possible a firewall or other device is closing the connection after a certain amount of time or data has passed. Check to see what devices or software between client and SOS Server might be interfering with the file transfer.

The user might also experiment with enabling or disabling "Use Compression for data transfers" in the SOS Client under Tools->Options->General.

If you continue to experience difficulty, reproduce the error, then send me a copy of the log.txt file in the SOS Server directory. Perhaps there will be some additional clues.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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