We are using CruiseControl.NET for our builds and Vault as source control.
In CruiseControl.NET web interface build report there is a section called "Modifications since last build"
The section lists the last modifications as links to http://vault/VaultService/VaultWeb/TransactionDetails.aspx?repid=2&txid=5727
Where do i change the domain name of this url?
I did not find any parameter in CruiseControl.NET which can override this. I believe this url is coming from Vault.
Where do i change this url address?
Thank You
Modify url address to Vault Web from CruiseControl.NET
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: Modify url address to Vault Web from CruiseControl.NET
I think it should be using whatever host you gave in your ccnet.config file. Is it doing something else?
Re: Modify url address to Vault Web from CruiseControl.NET
It's not using the host from ccnet.config
Re: Modify url address to Vault Web from CruiseControl.NET
any ideas how to set the url for the vault web from cruisecontro.net? i think the url address is coming from Vault
Re: Modify url address to Vault Web from CruiseControl.NET
Can you email your ccnet.config (or at least the vault source control block) to shannon at sourcegear dot com?