Microsoft Dynamics AX

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Post by tdrake » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:33 pm

Microsoft Dynamics AX development environment has native options to 4 source control systems:
- Source Depot (whatever that is - some secret MS tool me thinks).
- Visual SourceSafe (askes for a repository folder, root project and ini file)
- MorphX VCS (Native AX dev environment is called MorphX and the language is called X++)
- Team Foundation Server (askes for a repoisitory folder, TFS Url and project name).

Is there anyway I can use Fortress - I've 4 developers, and we use the MSDN without TFS at present, but would perfer a 'less heavy' SC system them TFS.
I've been using Fortress myself to eval, and it's saved me a few times in my current projects. I don't feel I can use any of the Dynamanics AX options without pain.

I can see projects crossing the .net / morphx line, where I've developing c# and X++ code in tandem, and would like to have these managed as one.

Is there a way I can configure fortress to 'spoof' VSS or TFS and trick my Dynamics perhaps?

Any thoughts anyone?

Tony Drake

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Re: Microsoft Dynamics AX

Post by lbauer » Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:23 am

The Vault Classic Client uses Microsoft's MSSCCI integration, which is the same that SourceSafe and other IDEs use. But even if they use the same integration .dll, the implementation, like the sequence of calls, might be different.

Sometimes integration "just works" and sometimes it sort of works, and sometimes it doesn't work. My suggestion is to try it. Another option is to do your checkouts, adds, check-ins, etc. through the Vault GUI client, while using Microsoft Dynamics for development.

In the Vault GUI client, under Tools->Options->General, check the box to make Vault your source control provider, and see what happens.

If other forum users have successfully integrated the software, let us know.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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