This is a second attempt to install Vault Server 4.12 before production deployment. On my first try, the installation went Ok but I got HttpException when trying to connect to the Admin Web Client. The error was reported here: ... 22&t=10619
Then I uninstall + reinstall Vault Server 4.12 and everything works OK. I could test Vault Client OK from a remote machine. Now I make a second attempt to make sure the HttpException error I got previously was not an error I made somewhere the 1st time. Here is the context of the 2 attemp:
- On the same test machine used for the 1st installation of Vault 4.12
(Win2003 standard 32 bits, SQL Server 2005, both have service packs & updates up to July 2008)
1- Uninstall Vault Server 4.12
2- Drop sgvault DB
3- Restore a new sgvault DB backed up from our production Vault 3.53 DB. This backup is in SQL Server 2000 format and is dated from yesterday. For the 1st attemp described above, I used the backup from 2 weeks earlier.
4- The DB restore went OK, SQL Server 2005 reported "RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 3248662 pages in 2948.171 seconds (9.026 MB/sec).
5- Install Vault Server 4.12, accept all default dialog and use the same Vault Admin pwd than the production environment.
6- After about 1 minute or 2, the installation aborted due to a DB error Vault Setup is exiting due to a failure or cancellation. Error Code = -1280 and the sgvault DB is left in single user mode. Here is the error in displayed in the DB update progression screen:
Code: Select all
Looking for IIS Version
Configuring your new Vault Installation
Requesting the IIS Process User...Requesting Vault Admin user password...OK
Connecting to the SQL Server...OK
Verifying the SQL Server requirements...OK
Checking for an existing databases...Found.
Asking for database's fate...Keep existing.
Upgrading the existing source control database...
This may take a long time. Do NOT stop this process!
Checking the installed database version...OK
Grant database access to NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE...OK
Upgrading SourceGear master database schema...OK
Upgrading SourceGear source control database schema...Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_serialnumbers'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.serialnumbers'.
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_groups'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.groups'.
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_users'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.users'.
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_groupmembers'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.groupmembers'.
Dropping extended properties
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblgroupmembers]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblcheckoutlistitems]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblfsobjectlabelchanges]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tbldelayusersecuritychanges]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblusersecuritychanges]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblsessions]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblsessionlabelqueries]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblsessionbranchsandbox]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblclientoptions]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tbluserrepositories]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblloginattempts]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblfsobjectlabels]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tbltransactions]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblhistoryfavorites]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblsessionrecursivelabelqueries]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblsessionfolderexports]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblcloaks]
Dropping foreign keys from [dbo].[tblwatchers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblusers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblusers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblusers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblusers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblusers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblusers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblgroupmembers]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblgroups]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblgroups]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblloginattempts]
Dropping constraints from [dbo].[tblsessions]
Dropping index [idxuserlogins] from [dbo].[tblusers]
Dropping index [idxsessionsuserid] from [dbo].[tblsessions]
Dropping [dbo].[spcleansessions]
Dropping [dbo].[spdeletesession]
Dropping [dbo].[spaddsession]
Dropping [dbo].[splogin]
Dropping [dbo].[spgetlogininfo]
Dropping [dbo].[spdeletelicensekey]
Dropping [dbo].[spdeleteserialnum]
Dropping [dbo].[spaddserialnum]
Dropping [dbo].[spgetserialnums]
Dropping [dbo].[spcleanloginattempts]
Dropping [dbo].[spchangepassword]
Dropping [dbo].[spgetgroupmembers]
Dropping [dbo].[spgetgroups]
Dropping [dbo].[spdeletegroupmembers]
Dropping [dbo].[spaddgroupmember]
Dropping [dbo].[speditgroup]
Dropping [dbo].[spaddgroup]
Dropping [dbo].[tbllicensekeys]
The statement has been terminated.
Dropping [dbo].[tblloginattempts]
Dropping [dbo].[tblsessions]
Dropping [dbo].[tblgroups]
The statement has been terminated.
Dropping [dbo].[tblgroupmembers]
The statement has been terminated.
The statement has been terminated.
Rebuilding [dbo].[tblusers]
Caution: Changing any part of an object name could break scripts and stored procedures.
Creating primary key [pk_tblusers] on [dbo].[tblusers]
Adding constraints to [dbo].[tblusers]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tbluserrepositories]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblusersecuritychanges]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblfsobjectlabels]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblclientoptions]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblhistoryfavorites]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblwatchers]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblcloaks]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tbldelayusersecuritychanges]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblfsobjectlabelchanges]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tbltransactions]
Adding foreign keys to [dbo].[tblcheckoutlistitems]
The database update failed
Error during Vault upgrade script.
Vault Setup is exiting due to a failure or cancellation. Error Code = -1280
I will send to linda the vault_install.log by email. In the meantime, I'll try to rerun from Step 1 to see if the error is reproducible.
Thanks in advance for any help.