Feature request: display label in Show Version History
Moderator: SourceGear
Feature request: display label in Show Version History
I'd like to be able to have a view of the labels like you get in the Merge Branches tool. That is, the label is listed on the same line as the Version.
Rob Goodridge
Rob Goodridge
If you do a "folder version" query you don't get the option of removing actions, and nor do you see labels at all. If I understand Rob correctly, he's asking if labels can be added in a new column beside the folder versions to which they were applied - the same as you see in the Merge Folders wizard in other words.
You're correct on the lack of display in the Show History by Folder Version part. If you do a regular history query on that folder, then uncheck all the actions except for the label part, then it should show nearly the same thing as if you did a the History by Folder Version and showed the labels.
I guess I need clarification then from the original poster.
1) Does my suggestion provide what is needed?
2) Do you want a feature request for adding the label column to History by Folder Version or do you mean that to be somewhere else?
I guess I need clarification then from the original poster.
1) Does my suggestion provide what is needed?
2) Do you want a feature request for adding the label column to History by Folder Version or do you mean that to be somewhere else?
Your suggestion does not meet the need because I want to see all the versions and those that have been labelled. We are using labels to identify what has been merged to another Branch. Thus I can see what has not been labelled and may need to still be merged.
A version is labeled and thus showing the label as another column seems appropriate, almost mandatory. Its a clean view without all the item changes being displayed.
So, I would like this to be submitted as a Feature Request
Rob Goodridge
A version is labeled and thus showing the label as another column seems appropriate, almost mandatory. Its a clean view without all the item changes being displayed.
So, I would like this to be submitted as a Feature Request
Rob Goodridge