MSDE data location

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MSDE data location

Post by Guest » Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:28 pm

Not the perfect place to ask, but how do I select the location for the MSDE file location?

I want the database to be on the raid5 store for data security and keep any vault temp file on the raid0 scratch store.

I also heard that SQL is not the best solution to store really big files.
Should we use another solution for a content database?
Like keep using VSS (we dont need remote access for that)



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Post by jclausius » Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:02 am

Stephen wrote:how do I select the location for the MSDE file location
You can do this in one of two ways:

1) BEFORE VAULT INSTALLATION - MSDE's default file location is stored in the registry. I believe the path is something like HKLM\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\(INSTANCE NAME IF USED)\Setup. In the string value named SQLDataRoot

2) AFTER VAULT INSTALLATION - Detach or backup the sgvault database. Move the file to its new location. Attach or restore the database.

Stephen wrote:I also heard that SQL is not the best solution to store really big files. Should we use another solution for a content database?
Storing objects within the SQL Server database has not been a problem for Vault. Hopefully some Vault customers will chime in with their own personal experience.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by cdaniel » Wed Jun 09, 2004 6:27 pm

While not in Vault itself, I've had no problems storing 1000's of multi-megabyte items in SQL Server tables. I imagine it likely that it takes a bit more disk space, and isn't quite as fast as the raw filesystem in all cases, but I've never had a problem with it.

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