I have moved both of the databases, sgvault and sgmaster, to Mosso's environment and I'm trying to get the connectionstring to work.
The web app works (to the extent that I can see the "successfully installed" page and I can get to the login page) but when I try to login I keep getting this error message:
There is absolutely no way I can get to that log file. I don't even know where it would be sitting since Mosso is using a clustered environment. And there are other issues I think that would be causing the problem anyway.Login Failed: The Vault Server could not establish a connection to the database. Please check the server's log for detailed information. (FailDBConn)
When you create databases on Mosso you have to create a unique SQL user account for each database you create. So both sgvault and sgmaster have to have a unqiue SQL user account.
Some questions
1) Will the login fail if BOTH databases, sgvault and sgmaster, are not accessible? If I only have access to sgvault, can I still login? I've tried to get Mosso to assign dbo access to the sgvaultuser user for BOTH databases but so far they've been dragging their feet.
2) Do you have "sgvaultuser" hardcoded in the code anywhere? It is impossible for me to use that name since Mosso makes us create new, unique SQL user accounts that begin with a number. For instance, mine looks like 12345_sgvaultuser. I changed the web.config so that the connectionstring would have this User Id. But if you have the user "sgvaultuser" exactly hardcoded in the system, then I'm boned.
3) Will the ConfigPath variable in the web.config work with a relative path. At first, it failed. After I changed its value to "~/Vault.config", it seems to be working now. But I'm wondering if this will cause problems down the road.
4) Do you have any other KB articles or information for hosting Vault on 3rd party providers where we don't have root or remote desktop access and we have to work through control panels?
Thanks for the help. We've been using Vault for years and love it.