I am using Vault 2.03(2174). Is there a way to tell if a GET command has actually any copied any source to my working directory? My goal is automatically run a .bat file every night to pull any new source. Then check a return code or something in DOS and run MSBuild to compile the source, if needed.
If anyone has any better suggestions or ideas, then pass them on!
Thank you,
Command Line - how to tell if GET pulled any files?
Moderator: SourceGear
I thought you were asking if there was a way to tell if a "GET command copied any source to my working directory?"
What you reallly want is a way to tell if a Get copied any *NEW* source to the working folder.
You could use VAULT.EXE LISTFOLDER before the get, and VAULT.EXE LISTFOLDER after the get, and then compare the results.
What you reallly want is a way to tell if a Get copied any *NEW* source to the working folder.
You could use VAULT.EXE LISTFOLDER before the get, and VAULT.EXE LISTFOLDER after the get, and then compare the results.
Jeff Clausius