sourceoffsite experience

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sourceoffsite experience

Post by jasonphos » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:27 pm

We are trying out the SourceOffsite product over the internet, through a firewall. We are using version 4.2.

The basic features of the program work fine. We've seen two problems so far:

1. When performing "Get Latest Version", the operation seems to randomly hang. The problem is seen when getting latest recursively, with lots of folders and files. For instance, if we do each folder individually for a project, then everything works fine. However, if we get latest version recursively for the project, it will randomly hang while receiving the file list for one of the folders.. The folder has over 450 subfolders, as far as 7 or 8 levels deep, and over 7,000 files.

The Server itself usually crashes, although not always. See item 2 for more info there. If we hit "Stop operation" it will successfully stop, and then if the server hasn't crashed, we can try again, only to have it hang on a different file list.

Note: I also tried it with another project that has about 100 subfolders and over 1400 files. For that project, we see the same problem, although more often than not it will receive all of the file lists, only to hang on one of the files. Also, the server crashes much less often with this one.

I suppose the catalyst for the problem may be the large number of files and folders?

2. The server keeps crashing, and have to restart it. One of these crashes happened when we inadvertently logged-in with the same sourcesafe user from two computers, so that one might be explainable. The other one happened while trying to get latest version from a big project, the same scenario as outlined above.

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Post by jasonphos » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:29 pm

Btw, all of these results are going through the firewall. I'll run some tests tomorrow over the intranet, with two computers in the same domain, and see if I get the same results or not.

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Status update

Post by jasonphos » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:19 pm

three updates to report:

1. Ran everything locally, and a different but similar problem occurred: It ran REALLY slowly. I did a test for 9 hours, and it still wasn't done.
2. Fixed the problem with slowness by upgrading the server. We had been using a 1.2ghz server with ??? RAM, upgraded to a 3.2ghz with ??? RAM. The operation then ran in 13 minutes.
3. Re-tested remotely, and we still have the problem with it hanging. However, our network guru tells me he's got an idea what the problem is.

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Post by Beth » Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:06 pm

Check your Automation Component Version and let me know what version that is. It's important you look up which one is registered, because often there are multiple automation components on a server.

Is your VSS database on the same server as your SOS server?

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Post by jasonphos » Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:56 pm


Thank you for your assistance.

Concerning the VSS Database residing on the same server as the SourceOffsite server: No, they do not reside on the same server.

Concerning the Automation Component Version: I've requested this information. I don't have rights on the server machine, but I'll post the info as soon as I know.

Edit to message: Note, when we were getting horrible performance on the 1.2ghz server, the VSS database and SourceOffSite were on the same server.
Last edited by jasonphos on Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Automation Component Version

Post by jasonphos » Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:47 pm


I forwarded your instructions for determining the Automation Component Version on to the proper person, and he responded:

Here is the value of that key, C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Common\VSS\win32\ssapi.dll

Version of that file is 6.0.31222.0

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Seems to hang at "Getting version information"

Post by jasonphos » Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:53 pm

Btw, according to the debug logs, the operation always hangs when it is "Getting version information":

3/5/2008 7:35:48 AM - 1: Getting version information: $/SOURCE/Current/Applications/Installation/ConfigurationGUI/Shell32Helper.bas

Btw, we also tried the instructions at this message, with no success:

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Post by jasonphos » Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:00 am


Once again, thanks for your help. In the end, we couldn't resolve these issues with sourcegear. We switched to a competing product last night, and everything is working fine now.


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Post by Beth » Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:03 am

Sorry to hear of the difficulty you had.

The VSS automation component you have is one that is known to have problems. The two that work best are and The first one I mentioned is available here: 6.0c automation component

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