Simple way to create a project structure

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Simple way to create a project structure

Post by gosub33 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:11 pm

Anyone know how to add projects to SOS automagically? I have several big projects to check in and the idea of creating a project over and over by hand is daunting.

I am using SOS v3.5.2

Thanks in advance.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:24 pm

Make sure you make SOS your default Source Code Control (SCC) provider in the SOS GUI Client under Tools->Options->General.

Open your project in Visual Studio, then select File->Source Control->Add Solution to Source Control. You'll get a login to SOS and you'll see the VSS project tree. You can select a location in the tree to place your project.

Now your project will be under source control and you can just open it normally from disk.

If another user needs a copy of the project, they would launch Visual Studio and select File->Source Control->Open From Source Control.

They'll set a working directory and bring the project to the local disk.

Once these bindings are set between working folder and repository folders, you don't need to open from source control again.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Don't use Visual Studio

Post by gosub33 » Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:21 am

I am doing Java work with Eclipse. But you have given me the idea to try to use the IDE. Let me see if it works...

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Post by jclausius » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:37 am

Do you happen to mean the Visual Studio IDE?
Jeff Clausius

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