SOS 4.2 Not working in Vista

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Post by jclausius » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:28 am

I will ask someone to post the details of the Demo Server.

Is there a test project (with similar size) you could try on the Demo Server? Or do smaller test projects work with your SOS setup?

If you are able to work with Vista / SOS with the SOS Demo Server, can you give a description of what is on your SOS Server? Also, see if you can find what version of the VSS Automation component you are using -

In regards to Vista SP1 - ... 38089.aspx
Jeff Clausius

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Post by jclausius » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:36 am

The SOS Demo server is running a Windows Server Flavor (not Vista), with .NET framework 1.1, and the VSS automation component VSS 6.0c, which is Microsoft Hotfix version
Jeff Clausius

Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:52 am

Post by pikmina » Tue Jan 22, 2008 2:20 am


My VSS Automation version is (this is the client version):

8.0.50727.1551 for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 2005.

The SOS server that we use to work contains many files... (1,15 GB)
About 20 November, Microsoft has released an update. Before this date my SOS has worked very well. But now I can only view the files.
I thought that was something wrong in this update.

I have viewed that there is a Release Candidate for Vista, but I have the italian version...

But only us have a problem with Vista and SOS ? Maybe is the italian version ? We have very big problem without SOS.... :(

In my pc there is .Net Framework 1.1 and 2.0

Thank you for your help!!!

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:55 am

The VSS Version only matters on the SOS Server. It will not have any bearing on your local installation.

You mentioned that someone else is also having a problem. Is that user also on Vista? Do you know if someone has a different OS other than Vista that can access the SOS Server? Or if you tried a Virtual Machine with VMWare or Virtual PC running Windows XP Pro, does that work?

Another option is to check your network settings.

If available, can you temporarily try to configure your MTU to a smaller value (say 1492 or 1480)? I've seen problems where different MTUs cause network instability due to driver bugs. See for some common MTUs.

Anyway, since a tree download will be a large operation, you could be hitting a problem where the MTU boundary is coming into play. Searching for "Vista" and "MTU" should give you some advice.

Another thing to try would be to temporarily set the network card to half-duplex, and retry the SOS server to see if that has any effect.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by Beth » Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:09 am

Do you know if there are any other clients working remotely?
My VSS Automation version is (this is the client version):
8.0.50727.1551 for Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 2005.
What's important here is what is on the SOS server, not on the SOS client machine. Let's talk about just the server that SOS is on for a bit. From the server I'd like the Automation Component Version. It's important to check as see which one is registered in the registry too, instead of assuming, because often there is more than one VSS automation component on the server.

Then, what is the OS of the server?

Based on the previous conversation, it sounds like it was decided that the client is not responding. You have the keep alive set in your SOS client, right? That would be under Tools - Options. If you don't have that set, I'd suggest setting it.

Can the admin on the server side make a new dummy VSS database that's just for testing? Once that database is made, your admin needs to provide you with a way to log into it. Then add into the SOS server manager the path to that new database. SOS will automatically pick up your login from VSS when you log in, so you don't need to be added as a user. Once that is complete, try just connecting to the dummy database and add/remove files and let me know the results.

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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:52 am

Post by pikmina » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:20 am

Hi, excuse for my later reply!

I have obtained the information that you asked to me.

19/02/2008 11.09.52 - SourceOffSite Server 4.1 Professional - With Cryptography

19/02/2008 11.09.52 - CurrentCulture is it-IT.

19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Server Information
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Service Pack: 4.0
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - OS Version: 5.0.2195
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Locale: Ox0409
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - OSLanguage: 1033
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Total Physical Memory: 767,48 MB
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
19/02/2008 11.09.53 -
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - SSAPI.dll Information:
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Location: file:///C:/Program Files/SourceOffSite Server/Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib.DLL
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - DisplayName: Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
19/02/2008 11.09.53 -
19/02/2008 11.09.53 - Started at 19/02/2008 11.09.53

We have not yet done your test, with a dummy database.

Thanks for your help.

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:12 am

Windows Vista Client PC not able to GetLastVersion

Post by bgianpiero » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:30 am

Pickmina is running Windows Vista on its PC and I expect more people in our development group to move to Vista in a close period (we have at present 60 SOS licences)

This issue with Windows Vista is causing us a lot of trouble an waste of time, I tried to include here all information required, please tell me if something is missed.

Please understand how crytical this could be for us considering new laptops will come with Vista.
Pickmina tried with Vista and XP from the same location and everything works fine with XP.


The Server where SOS is running is


This is SOS Server Log, where you can see the dll version

19/02/2008 11.29.18 - ****************************************************
19/02/2008 11.29.18 - SourceOffSite Server 4.1 Professional - With Cryptography

19/02/2008 11.29.18 - CurrentCulture is it-IT.

19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Server Information
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Service Pack: 4.0
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - OS Version: 5.0.2195
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Locale: Ox0409
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - OSLanguage: 1033
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Total Physical Memory: 767,48 MB
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
19/02/2008 11.29.19 -
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - SSAPI.dll Information:
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Location: file:///C:/Program Files/SourceOffSite Server/Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib.DLL
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - DisplayName: Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
19/02/2008 11.29.19 -
19/02/2008 11.29.19 - Started at 19/02/2008 11.29.19


This is what happen when Pikmina try to get last version
19/02/2008 11.55.39 - 8: Connection from: XX.YY.ZZ.KK (XX.YY.ZZ.KK)
19/02/2008 11.55.39 - 8: Preparing to send the list of databases...
19/02/2008 11.55.39 - 8: Sending the challenge to the client.
19/02/2008 11.55.39 - 8: Sending the challenge message body to the client.
19/02/2008 11.55.39 - 8: Waiting for the client's response...
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: Reviewing the client's response...
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: Process the client's non-crypto login request.
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: User 'yyyy' requesting to login to database '\\\Level3\SourceSafe\srcsafe.ini'
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: Client is speaking protocol version 2.0

19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: Open the database.
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: 'yyyy' connected to database \\\Level3\SourceSafe\srcsafe.ini
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: Received message number 102.
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: Ignore remote dates = False
19/02/2008 11.55.46 - 8: GetFileList project: $/USCO/SOURCECODE/SOM/OrderMgmt/GUI
19/02/2008 11.55.47 - 8: Time to execute: 0 minutes, 1 seconds, 121 milliseconds.
19/02/2008 11.57.23 - 8: Received message number 102.
19/02/2008 11.57.23 - 8: Ignore remote dates = False
19/02/2008 11.57.23 - 8: GetFileList project: $/USCO/SOURCECODE/SOM/OrderMgmt/GUI
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: Time to execute: 0 minutes, 1 seconds, 21 milliseconds.
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: Received message number 105.
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: GetFile() file=DescriptiveCodes.pas
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: Getting version information: $/USCO/SOURCECODE/SOM/OrderMgmt/GUI/DescriptiveCodes.pas
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: Received message number 105.
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: GetFile() file=LayoutOrderEntryMngLine.pas
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: Getting version information: $/USCO/SOURCECODE/SOM/OrderMgmt/GUI/LayoutOrderEntryMngLine.pas
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: Received message number 105.
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: GetFile() file=ODInquiry.dfm
19/02/2008 11.57.24 - 8: Getting version information: $/USCO/SOURCECODE/SOM/OrderMgmt/GUI/ODInquiry.dfm
19/02/2008 11.57.26 - 6: Received message number 123.
19/02/2008 11.57.48 - 8: Exception: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
19/02/2008 11.57.48 - 8: Error processing client request: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at ClassicService.ProtocolMessage.ParseStream(Socket socket, Crypto crypto)
at ClassicService.Client.GetMessage()
19/02/2008 11.57.48 - 8: User yyyy disconnected from XX.YY.ZZ.KK

Posts: 3702
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:17 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by jclausius » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:18 am

Vista SP1 is now available by MSDN. Has anyone had a chance to try this out?
Jeff Clausius

Posts: 3702
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:17 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by jclausius » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:24 am

I ran a quick search on "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine".

Here are some useful links which may be affecting your SOS connections (Mostly things like a McAffee tool and other firewalls which are interfering with the SOS connection):

- ... 4&SiteID=1

- ... d-f58.html


Another quick test would be to temporarily disable the Vista firewall, and re-try the connection.
Jeff Clausius

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