I have a problem using this command :
vault GETVERSION -verbose -host MYHOST -user MYUSER -password MYPASSWORD -repository "MYREPOSITORY" 1 $/MYFILE.EXT d:\
(I want to get the 1st version of the file)
Here the error :
<!-- Get latest version failed for $/BeStore/1.3/Current/TPActDev/dev.net/Backs
tore/Batch/StartBatch/AssemblyInfo.vb: Invalid revision number. -->
Une exception de type VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException a
été levée.
VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException: Une exception de type
VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException a été levée.
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.ProcessGetFileRequests(GetFileInfo
[] infos, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeType setFileTime, MergeType
merge, Boolean updateHiddenFilesOnly, String ancestorFullPath, Boolean flat, Str
ing ancestorDiskPath, OverwritePrompt PromptData, Boolean isLabelGet, String cur
rentPathToLabelItem, Int64 labelID, Boolean isRetry, Boolean isGetByDisplayVersi
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.GetByDisplayVersionToNonWorkingFol
der(VaultClientFile[] files, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeType setF
ileTime, String ancestorFullPath, String ancestorDiskPath, OverwritePrompt Promp
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.GetByDisplayVersionToNonWorkingFol
der(VaultClientFile file, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeType setFile
Time, String ancestorFullPath, String ancestorDiskPath, OverwritePrompt PromptDa
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.performGetVersion(VaultClientTreeObj
ect treeObjectToRetrieve, Int32 version, Boolean useWorkingFolder, MergeType mt,
String strDestFolder)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommandGetVersion(Int32 versi
on, String strReposItem, String strDestFolder)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommand(Args curArg)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.Main(String[] args)
<result success="no" />
C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client>vault GETVERSION -verbose -host gondoli
n.lab.vcstimeless.local -user JPP -password JPP -repository "Opera Dev" 1 $/BeSt
ore/1.2/Current/TPActDev/dev.net/Backstore/Batch/StartBatch/AssemblyInfo.vb d:\
<!-- Fetched $/BeStore/1.2/Current/TPActDev/dev.net/Backstore/Batch/StartBa
tch/AssemblyInfo.vb -->
<result success="yes" />
But when I make the same command on the branch when the file was created, it's ok.
The problem is I had to get 1st version of files that have been created in several branch.
How cal I do ?
Thanks for advance.
Moderator: SourceGear
Are you trying to get version 1 from the branch or from the original location that you created the branch from? I believe a branch should increment the version of the files that is in the branched folder, so a branch would start at version 2 at the earliest if you branched when the original folder was at version 1.