I did try it by modifying the web.config. I changed the web.config in the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\VaultService\VaultShadowFolder. I uncommented and changed this line to use the account we created:
<!-- identity impersonate="true" userName="DOMAINorMACHINE\WINDOWSACCT" password="plaintext_pwd"/>-->
However, after I do this, when I click on the Shadow Folders link in the repository, I get the message that says it was unable to connect to the vault server. I try to enter the the admin password, but it does not accept it.
I don't understand why I am having such a hard time getting these to work.
I decided to try this whole thing on the servers we were using for our evaluation. To be clear, these servers are different servers than the ones we have been troubleshooting. I decided to start simple and just have the shadow directory on the Vault server. I did not do any of the modifications for UNC paths, just left everything at the default. I gave "Everyone" full control to the destination directory.
When I went to configure the shadow folder, the interface said it could not contact the repository and asked for the admin credentials. I gave it and everything seemed file. I added the shadow folder settings, specifying a repository folder that had a number of subfolders, and 575 files. I used the "optimized for speed settings", "Set read read-onely flag", and "Set time to check-in time".
When I applied the settings, the CPU usage on the Vault server went to 99% and stayed there. The server was responding extremely slowly. However, the files did get put in the shadow directory. After 30 minutes, the CPU still had not come down, so I did an IISReset. Then when the reset finished, I deleted the Shadow folder settings. Since doing this, I can't get shadow folders to work at all. I get the following errors in the vaultshadowfolderservice.txt file (file path and name changed):
1/7/2008 10:13:37 AM <generic>: [<No Name>:4060] Error: Local file update for $/repository/test.asp failed: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VaultClientOperationsLib.UpdateThread.ProcessCommand(UpdateThreadCommand command, UpdateThreadCommandResult& outputResult)
1/7/2008 10:13:37 AM <generic>: [<No Name>:4060] Vault's Shadow Folders encountered an exception attempting to get the files for Dev.plexus-online.com. The Shadow Folders for the repository may not be syncrhonized with the Vault Server.Exception of type 'VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException' was thrown. :::: Time elapsed from Get() start to exception was -0.02259335
Our company's use of Vault is dependant on getting Shadow Folders to work. We already delayed our transition this weekend because we couldn't get them to work. Is there any way to work with someone on the phone to try and figure out?
Shadow Folders
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