The installation guide at
refers to 'serverinstall.html', but this file does not exist.
A Vault Home web page will also be created. To access this page, you should go to http://<vaultservername>/VaultService/serverinstall.html. This page will contain links to the Admin Tool and Client installers that were copied as part of the Server installation.
Another note on upgrading from 3.5.3:
In my case, going to http://<vaultservice>/VaultService got the message 'Virtual directory listing not allowed'; I had just upgraded from Vault Version 3.5.3. I checked the default settings on our IIS and discovered the default content page defaults did not list 'index.html' (the defaults were index.htm and default.htm and default.asp); I added index.html to the list, and removed index.htm
I believe index.htm was the name of the file in previous vault versions; I may have missed the installation note on upgrading and to change the index.htm to index.html in the IIS configuration as part of the upgrade?
Upgrading to 4.0.6 from 3.5.3 - notes and documentation bug
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