Check in deleting files

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Check in deleting files

Post by rikmar67 » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:48 pm

I have a problem where some of my files get deleted when checking in. I am on Vault Client 4.0.5 (15922) and using Visual Basic 6. I just had a case where I checked in several forms at once through the VB IDE. For 2 of my forms the FRX file was deleted! Here is what the results window shows:

Undoing checkout of file $/TravCom/GenericLogin.frx
Preparing data to begin transaction
Beginning transaction
Delete $/TravCom/GenericLogin.frx
Ending the transaction
Transaction completed successfully
Preparing data to begin transaction
Beginning transaction
Check in $/TravCom/GenericLogin.frm
Ending the transaction
Transaction completed successfully

Why would it delete the frx file. It is still necessary. I can undelete it from the history, but I won't always catch the deletion in the results window right away. Attached is a print screen of the entire results window.
results.JPG (88.76 KiB) Viewed 1968 times

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Post by lbauer » Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:16 pm

Based on the results window, $/TravCom/GenericLogin.frx was not changed, so Vault undid the checkout.

What are your options for Undo Checkout in the Vault GUI Client under Tools->Options->Local Files->On Undo Checkout? Is it set to "Delete?"
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 7
Joined: Fri May 04, 2007 8:45 am

Post by rikmar67 » Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:03 pm

On Undo Checkout the setting is Revert

The thing is, the frm and frx files have existed for months and have been checked out and back in several times. But on this one instance it performed an Undo Checkout then deleted the file in both the repository and on my local machine.

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