SOS 4.2 Not working in Vista

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Post by jclausius » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:32 pm


Did something change on your system within the last week? Any installations or anything else which may be the cause of these problems? Is this perhaps a network routing problem?

Another thing to test would be to place the server in a verbose logging mode, and use that information to verify the SOS client requests are actually being received by the server.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by pikmina » Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:01 am


This is the log in the server. The log is currently activated.

05/12/2007 16.43.14 - 53: Exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
05/12/2007 16.43.14 - 53: Error processing client request: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at ClassicService.ProtocolMessage.ParseStream(Socket socket, Crypto crypto)
at ClassicService.Client.GetMessage()
05/12/2007 16.43.14 - 53: User iso_silviat disconnected from

The user iso_silviat is my user, and the is my public IP.

Last week I received from Microsoft Update site, the latest update of Microsoft Framework 1.1 for vista OS.
Another information about my notebook configuration is that I've installed the VSS 2005 and the ssapi.dll version is 8.0.50727.42.
The version of the server is 4.1.
I can tell you that is not my lan configuration or something in my network, because my colleague from another nation and with the same notebook configuration has my same problems.

Thank you very much for your help

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Post by jclausius » Thu Dec 06, 2007 8:26 am

Do either of you have any errors within the Windows Event Viewer? I'm hopeful (although it is a slim hope) there may be something there that may shed light on things.

Also, do either of you have any kind of personal firewall or anything else running which may have closed the connection? What if you *temporarily* disabled all firewalls including Vista's personal firewall to see if that allows a connection.

Wade, I think there is a setting for the last server attempt stored in the registry or user settings. I'd like to clear that and try the demo server again. I'll ask someone to follow up on resetting that value. Would the demo server also go through the Cisco VPN?
Jeff Clausius

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Post by pikmina » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:00 am


The first time I have my notebook, I have disabled the firewall service :D.
In my event viewer I don't have any errors. I can't ask to my colleague to look at your, because he is working very hard :(
I've tried to login to your demo server donald\duck and I login successfully, the SOS client download without any problem the project tree.
I have tried to delete the databaseX.sos in my
Folder. But I can't download the project tree.

Any others idea ? I think is very strange, the last week works all very well. Maybe some settings is been losed ?

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Post by jclausius » Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:08 am

jclausius wrote: I'll ask someone to follow up on resetting that value.
Within the registry for your current user profile (HKCU\Software\SourceOffSite\SourceOffSite) there is a string key for "Last Server".

Remove that registry entry and re-try the SOS Demo Server.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by jclausius » Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:12 am

pikmina wrote:Any others idea ? I think is very strange, the last week works all very well. Maybe some settings is been losed ?
If you check the server log again, does it still have failures for your connection?

If you are getting "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host", then something on your client laptop is closing the connection to the server. Is there a firewall or some other device which may be causing you to lose network connectivity? Is the NIC on your laptop going offline? For example on spotty wireless connections, SOS has a hard time operating because of the persistent network connection it requires to access the server.

Another option would be to try to install some sort of packet sniffing or other network monitoring tool to try to determine exactly why your NIC or network connection may be going up and down.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by WadeHatler » Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:32 am

Well this is very mysterious. I removed SOS, killed every registry entry that mentioned it, removed the folder and reinstalled. I ran as administrator once (I always run as Administrator, but I tried belt and suspenders) and it works now. No idea what the problem was.

BTW, I have Visual Studio 2008 installed, but the original installation also failed under 2005.

At any rate it's working now so I'm good to go.

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Post by pikmina » Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:40 am


I have tried to:

- re-install the SOS,
- delete the registry key,
- delete the cache (databaseX.sos)

I can connect to the server but my SOS tell me in the log window that it try to download the tree project. After that... nothing seems to be done.

I have also tried to login to your demo server and all works. I have downloaded the tree project and I have downloaded some files. Without problems.

The last download of Vista, done before my problems, are about Windows Defender.

Excuse me... do you think is something in my pc? Or some settings in the server ?

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Post by jclausius » Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:52 am


At this point, it is hard to tell if this is server side or client side. Let's check a couple of things:

a) What is the SOS Server's version for the Automation component used to communicate with VSS -

b) I believe you said there was nothing in the SOS server's log regarding any errors. Is that still the case?

c) We know Vista has some network speed issues (search the Internet for "Vista SP1"). Do you happen to have a large database structure? Perhaps SOS is not frozen, but waiting on Vista to receive the entire tree?

Let's try another test:

1) Shut down all SourceOffSite clients.
2) Delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SourceOffSite\SourceOffSite\Last Server string.
3) Delete any database1.sos files.
4) Log in to your server. When it says it is downloading the project tree, let's sit and wait. It could just be related to the Vista network issues mentioned above, and just needs more time to complete.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by pikmina » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:13 pm

And Merry Christmas to you :)

I have obtained the log from the server:

21/12/2007 13.34.18 - 174: Open the database.
21/12/2007 13.34.18 - 174: 'Iso_stefanot' connected to database \\\Level3\SourceSafe\srcsafe.ini
21/12/2007 13.34.19 - 174: Received message number 102.
21/12/2007 13.34.19 - 174: Ignore remote dates = False
21/12/2007 13.34.19 - 174: GetFileList project: $/USCO/SOURCECODE/SHIPPING/LoadRequest
21/12/2007 13.34.19 - 174: Time to execute: 0 minutes, 0 seconds, 620 milliseconds.
21/12/2007 13.34.31 - 174: Received message number 105.
21/12/2007 13.34.31 - 174: GetFile() file=LoadRequests.pas
21/12/2007 13.34.31 - 174: Getting version information: $/USCO/SOURCECODE/SHIPPING/LoadRequest/LoadRequests.pas
21/12/2007 13.34.46 - 161: Received message number 123.
21/12/2007 13.35.06 - 167: Received message number 123.
21/12/2007 13.35.46 - 161: Received message number 123.
21/12/2007 13.35.47 - 174: Exception: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
21/12/2007 13.35.47 - 174: Error processing client request: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)
at ClassicService.ProtocolMessage.ParseStream(Socket socket, Crypto crypto)
at ClassicService.Client.GetMessage()
21/12/2007 13.35.47 - 174: User Iso_stefanot disconnected from

This tell you something ?

Thank you very much for your help.
I have already try what you did tell me, but doesn't work.... :(

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Post by jclausius » Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:32 pm

Your log tells me the client connection issued a disconnect while the server was trying to read information from the network.

You could try some kind of packet sniffer like Ethereal on your client. The key is to figure out WHY the client is closing the connection.

Does your client have a direct connection to the SOS Server? Or does it go through some local or other firewall which may be closing the SOS socket?

Also, did you get a chance to gather the info for my previous post?
Jeff Clausius

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Post by pikmina » Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:12 pm

Thanks for your response, I can do new tests only after 2th January because the SOS is now off line.

I will try the sniffer.

My connection is under a firewall, but SOS has always worked very well.
I have tried to delete the cache of SOS, how I did tell you in some post, but after a long time, my SOS client goes in error.
BUT when I have tried SOURCEGEAR demo server with donald/duck, my client goes very well and do "get latest version" of all PROJECT TREE, all subfolder and all files.
I will response to you as soon as possible... after 2th January :)

Thank you very much :) See you !

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Post by pikmina » Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:16 am


I have used a sniffer, exactly WireShark.

I have understood that maybe my pc doesn't send all the correct ACK message.

I try to report a part of my results :

server -> mypc PSH ACK
mypc -> server ACK
server -> mypc PSH ACK
mypc -> server PSH ACK
server -> mypc ACK
server -> mypc PSH ACK
mypc -> server ACK

Then there is some other PSH ACK without response from my pc.
At last after a lot of time, there is from the server the RST,ACK message
Then some Keep Alive and another RST, ACK

This is useful to retrieve the problem ? What do you think?
Thanks for your help!!

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:59 am

pikmina wrote:If I understand things, here is a break down of what you've provided:

Let's break down the info you've provided.

a) server -> mypc PSH ACK

Server sends Acknowledge to the client with PUSH

b) mypc -> server ACK

Client responded Acknowledge

c) server -> mypc PSH ACK

Server sends Acknowledge to the client with PUSH

d) mypc -> server PSH ACK

Client responded Acknowledge with a PUSH

e) server -> mypc ACK

Server responds to Acknowledge

f) server -> mypc PSH ACK

Server sends Acknowledge to the client with PUSH

g) mypc -> server ACK

Client responded Acknowledge

This all seems to be OK.

g) Then there is some other PSH ACK without response from my pc.

So you need to know why mypc is not responding to this. Is there something in the network stack that would prevent this from being sent?

h) At last after a lot of time, there is from the server the RST,ACK message Then some Keep Alive and another RST, ACK

My guess is the sever does not receive any kind of response, so it sends a RESET packet to tear down the socket connection, thus closing the socket.

The problem is, I don't know what may be causing this issue. The info you sent doesn't have any context to the network payload, so it is difficult to ascertain what is happening at each step. I don't know enough about Vista's network configuration issues to know what may be preventing the client from sending these acknowledgments. What if you tweak some of the settings on your network driver. Perhaps something in there (a lower setting for MTU or half-duplex) may be all that is needed to allow Vista to properly communicate with the SOS Server.

Also, Microsoft is working on Vista SP1 which is supposedly going to contain some fixes for network interaction. I don't know if that will contain any fixes for this problem, but it wouldn't hurt to look into this as well.

Let me know if changes here helps the problem.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by pikmina » Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:15 am


I have tried to modify my network configuration but nothing seems to be working :(

Can I ask you your server configuration? Because my S.O.S. work so well with your server!
Maybe is too big the project that I want to download?

Thanks for the collaboration!

I hope that the service pack comes very soon!

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