Getting a list of 'old' status files with soscmd

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Getting a list of 'old' status files with soscmd

Post by sgeard » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:58 am

I've trawled through the manual but can't find out how to do this. Does anyone know?


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Post by Beth » Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:00 pm

I don't believe there's a command for that yet in the command line. I can take a feature request.

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Getting a list of 'old' status files with soscmd

Post by sgeard » Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:29 am

Yes a feature request would be nice but I won't hold my breath!

As far as I can see you don't really support SOS any more. I have a long thread about the soscmd not working which is not being responded to anymore. (Almost) anything you can do with the GUI client you ought to be able to do with soscmd but basic operations like searching aren't supported.

I am using SOS because that is required by the client but it is far too slow to be used for serious work. My idea was to have an automated update of remotely changed files running on a linux box and feeding into our local CVS repository. None of this works and judging by the last time there were any fixes it is never going to work.

Please tell me I'm wrong - that you have a release plan for a major overhaul to soscmd and what that plan is.

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Post by jclausius » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:23 am

While we haven't had a major release of SourceOffSite, we haven't abandoned the product. We are currently gathering information from large customers about what improvements they want for SourceOffSite.

Getting back to your request, we'll log the feature for soscmd. However, if I read your post correctly, this is a band-aid. You would like the command line improved because the SOS GUI client is not viable in your case. Can you expand on that? If it is slow, then how? Is it a GUI vs. command line thing or is it something else? What operations are slow? Are they also slow in the GUI Windows product? What about CLC Windows product? What distro of Linux are you using? What version of SOS are you using? Any other details would be beneficial as well.

Since we are gathering information from SOS users, the additional info would help in determining the needs of SOS users.
Jeff Clausius

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Getting a list of 'old' status files with soscmd

Post by sgeard » Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:18 am

As far as I can see you haven't had any sort of release since 25 September 2006. Since the command line client is badly broken (see 'Does the command-line client work?) the only reasonable conclusion is that you want users to move away from SOS and hopefully (from your point of view) to SV.

Details of the versions of the command-line clients I have tried and server version are already detailed in the thread referred to above. Using the client on Win is not an option since I could not then simultaneously use the GUI (why?).

For the windows GUI version 4.2.1 there is nothing useful that works at an acceptable speed: getting the entire project tree from scratch; get-latest-version is something I want to do frequently to make sure I'm uptodate with all the latest changes; searching for 'old' status files doesn't work reliably unless 'Refresh File lists' is checked in which case it takes ages.

And finally large binary files get corrupted by SOS and so have to be managed separately.

If you're collecting info about users needs I'd say a working source-code-control system. Both CVS and Subversion manage all the basic operations well so I'd suggest you look at them for inspiration.

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Post by jclausius » Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:31 am

(see 'Does the command-line client work?)
I missed your follow up post to my request. I'll take a look at the results.
Jeff Clausius

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Post by jclausius » Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:00 am

Thanks for the other info. I'll make sure we revisit these areas in our discussions.

I should note testing on medium sized projects do not seem to be so slow. I wonder if it has to do with the make up of your VSS database or a configuration on your VSS server.

Do you happen to know what version of VSS is in use at the server? See - How to determine the version of the VSS automation component.

Also, can you give some statistics of your database? I'm looking for things like folder/project counts, files per folder, overall file sizes, etc. We can take this conversation private through our normal support ( mail support at sourcegear dot com ).

Finally, there are other SOS Server tuning suggestions as well, unless you have already done so, I'd look those over as well.
Jeff Clausius

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Getting a list of 'old' status files with soscmd

Post by sgeard » Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:05 am

I used the win CLC yesterday to get a clean copy of the code I'm working on:

CLC getFiles performance: time = 41mins, #files = 4940, total size = 174MB

In general this is quicker than using the GUI to do this job.

Unfortunately I do not have access to the server as it is run by the IT department of the company for which we are developing and they are working within their own constraints. I do know that they are running rev 3.5.3

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Post by jclausius » Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:22 am

If you can somehow get info from someone about the server that may also help pin point any issues.
Jeff Clausius

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