SOS performance and replicating subfolders

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SOS performance and replicating subfolders

Post by neebs4964 » Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:12 am

I have a problem that has persisted for a while now. I use Visual Studio SOS integration and I have noticed the following interesting situation. Often, I will load a project in Visual Studio and it will take sometimes 20 minutes to load. I have found that the solution to this is to first, open SOS client, at which time I notice the project folders under the root node are replicated many times, sometimes numbering in the 100's. If I select the root node and then refresh the project tree, the replications go away and I am left with the project tree as I expect it. At that time Visual Studio will open my project in a reasonable amount of time. Attached is a screenshot of the project tree with the replicated folders.

Project tree with replicated folders
Image1.jpg (450.39 KiB) Viewed 10224 times

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Post by lbauer » Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:44 pm

It looks like your client side cache is being written to multiple times. What version of SOS Server and Client are you using?
Linda Bauer
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Post by neebs4964 » Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:12 pm

Client is 4.2. The last time this occurred, Server was pre-4.2, but I don't know what version. I will ask the person who upgraded it. Now it is at 4.2 as well. I will monitor it to see if it still happens.


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Post by lbauer » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:32 am

You could try opening just the SOS GUI Client first, to update the local cache of the project tree. Then close the GUI Client and see if opening Visual Studio goes faster.

We're not sure why you're getting so many duplicate entries -- possibile the GUI Client and VS 2005 integrated client are trying to write to the cache at the same time and causing some strange behavior.
Linda Bauer
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Post by neebs4964 » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:03 pm

I'm beginning to suspect this problem has to do with the VS integration. This morning, when I loaded a project in VS, after replying to the SOS login prompt, it hung again. Suspecting I had a folder replication problem I killed the process and opened up SOS client. I saw replication, but not to the level I noticed before. There were about 10 copies of each folder. So I suspect VS is replicating them and by cancelling it early, I limited the damage. I will continue monitoring this.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:46 am

Sometimes it takes a long time for the VS project to load, and so it appears to be hung, but it isn't.

If you let the process go for a whilewithout killing VS, does the project eventually load? If it does and you then open the SOS GUI Client, does the replication occur?
Linda Bauer
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Post by neebs4964 » Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:59 am

Lately I haven't waited for VS to finish loading the project. This is because I am aware of how long it should take to load the project, from past experience. The time it occurred, producing the screenshot I provided, I cancelled VStudio after waiting about 20-25 minutes to load. I suspect it would never finish, however, due to project deadlines, I needed to work around it. Hope this helps.


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Post by lbauer » Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:40 pm

The view in the GUI Client is just a display issue -- it's an incorrect view from the cache file. Having two clients (GUI and VS) write to the cache at the same time can sometimes cause this.

The main issue seems to be that Visual Studio is loading slowly. What version of Visual Studio are you using?

How big is this project?

Is the slow opening a new problem?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Jason Kenyon
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Post by Jason Kenyon » Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:59 am

Our development team gets this all the time as well. It is such an extreme annoyance and we just fix it by loading client and refreshing the tree. I dont have an exact cause of it but it usually occurs while working in several large solutions at once with crossover projects.

We are running the latest client and server, Visual Studio 2005, and all the lateast packages.

It is just one of many huge frustrations we have with Soiurce Offsite and working "off-site". How about the one where your socket connection is broken for whatever reason, and "Off-Site" decides you should sit and look at your screen for 2 minutes because the developers were to lazy to mark it time-out after a short period and automatically reconnect?

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