Problem with user keys - sosvr.kys

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Problem with user keys - sosvr.kys

Post by kbangalore » Mon May 10, 2004 8:39 pm

I am having a problem, after some time of using Source Offsite - it seems like the server looses the contents of the user keys (sourced from the sossvr.kys file) - this causes people to be logged in - no client messages, no server log messages, but the client hangs at that point with a hour glass - and the user keys box of the server is empty ????

Restarting the server fixes the problem.

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Post by corey » Tue May 11, 2004 12:13 pm

We've seen a handful of reports of this problem over the past several years, but the cause of the problem could never be determined. I believe in all cases the problem "mysteriously" went away after some time.

How long has this problem been occurring for you?

Does it seem to happen after you change the server's configuration using the Server Manager application?

Does it seem to happen after you add new users or create new keys?
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC


Problem with user keys

Post by gabimartin » Fri May 14, 2004 5:11 am

We are experiencing the same problem for 4 days so far.

Users are able to log in SOS for a while but after a few minutes they start getting logging in messages that never commit.

When we check at the server side User keys have disappeared from the SOS Server Manager.

User keys reappear once you restart the SOS service but this last for a 15/20 minutes only.

Please provide us with a solution as soon as possible as a team of 6 people is unable to work for a 4 days period now.

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Post by lbauer » Fri May 14, 2004 2:34 pm

We wish we had a definite answer. We've had a few reports of this problem, but have not seen it in house or been able to reproduce. We don't know what causes it. So we don't know for sure how to fix it. Sorry.

There may be a problem with the SOS Server reading the sossvr.keys file. Could something be touching that file or making it unavailable? Could there be some minor corruption in the file?

Try making a copy and, and pasting the copy in the SOS Server directory.

If you delete the file and re-create the keys (a chore, I know) does this make the problem go away?

Extreme, but another suggestion: try uninstalling and reinstalling SOS, keeping a copy of the .kys file. Perhaps there's a problem with the SOS Server Manager that a re-install can fix.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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