Error 1325 When installing SoS4.1.2 client

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Error 1325 When installing SoS4.1.2 client

Post by emorgan » Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:59 am

I'm trying to upgrade one of our workstations (windows xp) to use the 4.1.2 client. previously, the workstation was using 3.5.3, but since updating our server to 4.1.2, he cannot connect anymore (probably due to him using standard instead of with encryption. We changed that).

So, the problem is, during the installation, right away when it gets to "Computing space requirements", it throws the error:

Error 1325: 'Hess-Indonesia' is not a valid short file name.

I know hess-indonesia refers to a project we've worked on a long time ago, so it's local to our filesystem, but how in the world is it looking at it? Is it iterating through the filesystem and found an error at that point?

installer just quits after that. I've tried every other version of the installer, copied it to different drives, but it all results the same.



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Post by Beth » Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:29 am

Have you tried doing a complete uninstall of SOS and a fresh reinstall?

Are other SOS clients working ok?

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Post by emorgan » Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:40 am

I'm nervous to do a complete uninstall, because I don't know if I would be able to reinstall even 3.5.3 successfully. The connection issue I might be able to solve, but it would basically be duct tape until I can figure out how to upgrade his client properly.

I'm looking at a defragmenter, and his disks are some of the most fragmented disks i have ever seen. Additionally, 3/4 of his disks have under 10% free space left (however, that's around still around 10GB), so I can't even defrag them until I can talk to him about what I can remove to free up some space. Could this have something to do with it?

Is there a list of error codes for this product? What does error code 1325 even relate to?

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Post by emorgan » Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:29 am

Sorry for double post, but forgot to answer second question.

Actually, I messed with the settings here and I am able to get the 3.5.3 client to connect.

Still can't upgrade this one workstation to 4.1.2, tho. Help would be great, but it's not blocking anymore at this point I guess.



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Post by Beth » Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:19 pm

On the error code, that appears to be a Microsoft error code. I had never seen that one before and cannot find internal information on it. Many sites referred back to this Microsoft article: This could point back to drive issues.

You can try the Installer Cleanup tool they provide if you wish. I think you still may have to uninstall the 4.1.2 and then clean up the user's disk well (defrag and check disk) and then try a reinstall.

Also, the 3.x client might not be able to connect to a 4.x server. They aren't intended to work together.

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