Since converting my solution following the KB article, I had a few projects that had a blue flag facing like \ with the blue flag on the top right portion. I cannot this to go away for the solution node itself, but after checking everything out and checking back in, the individual projects converted to blue locks.
What are the blue flags for? (what do they mean)
What are the various SCC related icons and what do they mean?
blue lock - checked in
red check - checked out
what else????
List of available SCC related icons in a Solution Explorer?
Moderator: SourceGear
Here's a list of the flags:
**In VSS mode:
**In VSS mode:
- A padlock next to file/folder means that the file/folder is in Fortress and checked in
A red check mark means that the file/folder is checked out for editing/viewing
A red check mark with a small person next to it means the file/folder is checked out exclusively by someone other than the current user
A + sign (yellow) means that the file/folder has been added to the solution or project, but has not yet been added to Fortress
A blue flag means the file has a status of "Needs Merge" also can be Renegade status
- A green dot with a checkmark next to it indicates that a file/folder is checked into Fortress and is up to date
An I-bar type icon means the file has been edited
An hourglass icon indicates the file's status as being old or out of date.