OK, so after this happened for the 1000th time I thought I'd post this feature request.
When using SourceGear via Visual Studio, I quite often get asked 'what repository' - which is really just a pointless click when there is only one repository.
What makes this especialyl frustrating is that the 'choose repository' window is, for some reason a modal, dissapearing window. By which i mean, its a window that, when i alt-tab away from Visual Studio and then alt-tab back to visual studio, is not on top, and its not visible in the task bar either.
In fact, I dunno why, but I *frequently* find myself hunting through the window list (i often run a lot of windows) for the elusive 'choose repository' window - and only to answer a pointless question anyway.
we have only one repository anyway so why ask?
Just tring to help improve your product. Thanks.
Feature Request - when there is one repository - why ask
Moderator: SourceGear