I am using CruiseControl and everything works great for all of my .net apps with the exception of one. Everytime CC detects a change and called the GET command, vault returns this: Please specify -user, -password, and -host.
I find the following in the logs:
2007-06-05 11:56:21,353 [UniversityV2:DEBUG] Starting process [C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client\vault.exe] in working directory [C:\Projects\Web Projects\University\webroot\] with arguments [getversion 11351 "$/Web Projects/University/webroot" "C:\Projects\Web Projects\University\webroot\" -useworkingfolder -merge overwrite -makewritable -backup no -setfiletime checkin -host xxxx -user xxxx -password xxxx -repository University]
2007-06-05 11:56:23,665 [UniversityV2:DEBUG] <vault>
2007-06-05 11:56:23,665 [UniversityV2:DEBUG] <error>
2007-06-05 11:56:23,665 [UniversityV2:DEBUG] Please specify -user, -password, and -host.
2007-06-05 11:56:23,665 [UniversityV2:DEBUG] </error>
2007-06-05 11:56:23,665 [UniversityV2:DEBUG] <result success="no" />
2007-06-05 11:56:23,665 [UniversityV2:DEBUG] </vault>
I have looked into the client and server logs for Vault and I don't find anything that helps. Your thoughts are appreciated.
Vault.exe GET not working properly
Moderator: SourceGear
On your path, "C:\Projects\Web Projects\University\webroot\, " try taking out the last backslash.
Last edited by Beth on Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I got it working. It appears that, when there is a space in the file path, CC does not put a period (.) at the end of the working path. It is interesting to note that CC does in fact put the period there when there are not spaces in the file path.
I.e. changing this:
getversion 11351 "$/Web Projects/University/webroot" "C:\Projects\Web Projects\University\webroot\"
into this:
getversion 11351 "$/Web Projects/University/webroot" "C:\Projects\Web Projects\University\webroot\."
Simply adding the period to the ccnet config file at the end of the Vault working path seems to have done the trick.
While writing this and previewing the message, I received your message regarding removing the trailling backslash. I will try that as well and post back if it worked as well.
I.e. changing this:
getversion 11351 "$/Web Projects/University/webroot" "C:\Projects\Web Projects\University\webroot\"
into this:
getversion 11351 "$/Web Projects/University/webroot" "C:\Projects\Web Projects\University\webroot\."
Simply adding the period to the ccnet config file at the end of the Vault working path seems to have done the trick.
While writing this and previewing the message, I received your message regarding removing the trailling backslash. I will try that as well and post back if it worked as well.