Hi Support,
Due to a system crash, we've backed up our Repository folder using the Value Folder Export tools and reinstall our server system. I can connect to the new installed Vault Server using the Vault client fine, but when I tried to bind the old project to the respository, it didn't work. I've tried unbind in the Change Source Control screen, then bind the source control again. First time when I did that the Vault interface crashed with NullReferenceException, then VS 2005 crashed. Then I start VS 2005 and opened the project again, when I tried to bind the project to source control, a warning message comes up and said my current working directory is C:\ and the project can't be binded correctly. Am I missing any steps here? BTW, I'm using Vault 3.5.
Thanks for any help!
Incorrect Working Directory Detected When Rebinding
Moderator: SourceGear
Have you tried doing a fresh open from source control? Backup the files on your local drive and use the File->Source Control->Open from Source Control command to fetch the files into empty working directories.
If this is a web site, you can use the File->Open->Website ->Source Control command.
If this is a web site, you can use the File->Open->Website ->Source Control command.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager