are there any kind of settings in the Vault to require a cetain level of password security? Min length, letters & numbers, etc.
I'm using Vault client and server version
Password requirements
Moderator: SourceGear
There isn't in Vault right now. If you are in a domain controlled by Active Directory, you could use the AD authentication. Basically, you would run Vault under an Active Directory account and then have all your user names match their Active Directory names. In the Server Options tab of the Admin tool you would set it to use Active Directory. Then have your password requirements managed at the domain level instead. Users just need to remember then to not change their password in Vault, as it will always match what they use for Windows.
If you would rather just have password requirements in Vault separately, I can put in a feature request.
If you would rather just have password requirements in Vault separately, I can put in a feature request.