Is there a command line argument that I can use to getLatest from Vault using Nant that will mark all files are writable?
Here is what I am doing to getLatest now.
<exec program="${vault.exe.path}" if="${UseVaultExe=='1'}">
<arg line="get" />
<arg line="-destpath ${getLatest.path}" />
<arg line="-host ${}" />
<arg line="-user ${sourcecode.vault.username}" />
<arg line="-password ${sourcecode.vault.password}" />
<arg line="-repository "${sourcecode.vault.repository.project}"" />
<arg line="-merge overwrite" />
<arg line=""${sourcecode.project.root}"" />
If its possible, can you please direct me to the online help?
MarkAllFiles Writeable using Nant
Moderator: SourceGear
We don't have online help for NAnt, but we do have documentation on our Vault command line client.
One of the GET options is -makewritable: ... lc.htm#GET
You could try using that in an argument line.
One of the GET options is -makewritable: ... lc.htm#GET
You could try using that in an argument line.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager