Not able to connect when using Norton NIS or Norton 360.

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Not able to connect when using Norton NIS or Norton 360.

Post by gverge » Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:56 pm

I am using SOS Client in an XP environment.
I've been having on-going issues between SOS and Norton for 3 years now, but coming up against a wall with the latest Norton tools - and have pretty well exhausted all of my support options with the Norton people. I am hoping someone at Sourcegear can help me find a solution!

When I have Norton NIS or the new Norton 360 product with Ad-Blocking enabled and attempt to log into my SOS server, SOS immediately responds with the message "Server Closed Connection" and halts the connection.
When I disable 360's Ad-Blocking and Popup Window Blocking features, the problem disappears.

I use Norton 360 at work and can manually disable that feature of Norton as a (albeit painful) workaround.

At home, I had been using NIS 2006 and have been doing the same - temporarily disabling certain features of NIS in order to connect and run SOS.
However, NIS 2007 no longer has the convenient "disable" option, and I have tried disabling every feature in NIS including the firewall and even tried setting up NIS firewall rules to allow the SOS application full web access using the appropriate port and server address. Essentially, I would have to remove NIS altogether to get SOS to connect.

Norton has told me that the SOS application must be using the same mechanism as adware uses for popup windows, yet I do not understand why this would be the case, nor why the correct firewall settings seem to be ignored in all this!

Could you give me insight into the mechanism or protocol that is being used by the SOS client to connect to the server, or any other info that may help me find a cure for my woes?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Apr 03, 2007 4:03 pm

The SourceOffSite client connects to the SOS Server via a custom TCP/IP protocal, on the port configured in the SOS Server manager. It's not particularly complicated.

But your question reminded me of a case where another user was using NIS. According to this user:
By default, Norton Internet Security uses a proxy server for port 8080 and the protocol you use between client and server doesn't pass as HTTP and hence NIS closes the connection. You can configure NIS to not consider 8080 to be an HTTP port or change the server port.
The default port for SOS 4.x is also 8080, but you can configure SOS Server to use any port.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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