SourceOffSite & vista

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SourceOffSite & vista

Post by cravensmythe » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:24 am

I have just installed SOS on vista ultimate and have imported the encryption keys and done the usual setup routine, it logs on to the server however when I enter the database login and password it claims it cannot find the key in the C:\users...Sourcegrear folder.

I have looked in the folder and the file it is looking for isnt there but a file containing numbers and the .key extension is there?

Any ideas guys?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:20 am

We don't officially support SOS on Vista yet, as we haven't fully tested it.

However, I was able to connect with an SOS Client on Vista Business to an encrypted SOS Server port.

So this could just be a regular encryption issue. If the .key file has numbers in the name, then most likely it was created using the SOS Server IP address. Are you connecting using the server name instead? Try using the IP address. If the internal IP of the SOS Server is different from the external IP, both the user key and the connection string should use the external IP and your network should take care of the routing.

See this KB article for details:
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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