Unnecessary .tmp files /Vault capabilities check from VS.NET

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Unnecessary .tmp files /Vault capabilities check from VS.NET

Post by MikeDavies » Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:02 pm

Whenever our developers connect to Vault via Visual Studio, and perform a checkout operation (or possibly others, not sure the exact combination yet), we see messages like this in the IDE output window:

---- Operation started at time 4:43:40 PM ----
[4/27/2004 4:43:41 PM] Preparing data to begin transaction
[4/27/2004 4:43:41 PM] Beginning transaction
[4/27/2004 4:43:41 PM] Add $/Branches/Normandy/Project/ProjectName/Project.Assembly.Name/~sak52b79ef301c42c98.tmp
[4/27/2004 4:43:41 PM] Ending the transaction
[4/27/2004 4:43:41 PM] Transaction completed successfully
[4/27/2004 4:43:42 PM] Checking out file $/Branches/Normandy/Project/ProjectName/Project.Assembly.Name/~sak52b79ef301c42c98.tmp
[4/27/2004 4:43:43 PM] Checked out file $/Branches/Normandy/Project/ProjectName/Project.Assembly.Name/~sak52b79ef301c42c98.tmp
[4/27/2004 4:43:43 PM] Undoing check out of file $/Branches/Normandy/Project/ProjectName/Project.Assembly.Name/~sak52b79ef301c42c98.tmp
[4/27/2004 4:43:43 PM] Preparing data to begin transaction
[4/27/2004 4:43:43 PM] Beginning transaction
[4/27/2004 4:43:43 PM] Delete $/Branches/Normandy/Project/ProjectName/Project.Assembly.Name/~sak52b79ef301c42c98.tmp
[4/27/2004 4:43:43 PM] Ending the transaction
[4/27/2004 4:43:43 PM] Transaction completed successfully

These occur before the actual checkout occurs.

When we go to merge changes, the revision list includes a number of entries matching these, looking like
11559 4/27/2004 6:44:36 PM mdavies Temporary file created by Visual Studio .NET to detect SourceGear Vault Client capabilities
11558 4/27/2004 6:44:36 PM mdavies

Is there any way to eliminate these? They make it very difficult to look at the revision history when doing merges to separate content from this chatter.

Posts: 2448
Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:03 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by dan » Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:31 am

These ~blah.tmp files are something that Visual Studio does behind the scenes. I'm sure someone out there knows the purpose of these files - probably some bookkeeping kludge. It seems to happen more on add events rather than simple checkouts and checkins.

In any case, we don't have any control over it, and if you check VSS integration with VS, you'll find that the same process happens for it as well.


Post by MikeDavies » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:05 am

Thanks Dan.

Posts: 2448
Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:03 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by dan » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:21 am

As a postscript for anyone else seeing this thread, jeffc found the following vss thread that might give a little more info:

http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&l ... 26rnum%3D1

There was a bug in an earlier beta version of Visual Studio that caused more of these files to be generated than normal.

Also, the temp files are created during bind operations, so if you bind and unbind a lot, you will see a lot of them.

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