DotNetNuke Module in Vault

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DotNetNuke Module in Vault

Post by jhaasbeek » Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:41 pm

I am developing a DNN module, and I have the module (but not the DNN framework) in Vault. The framework is in my Visual Studio solution as a file system web site, and the module is in as a separate project. Every so often, Visual Studio gives me a series of warning dialogs (one for each ascx control in my module) that the item it is adding is already under source control in another project. I am not adding these items - they are already under source control in the module project.

If I click "Cancel Add", everything is fine so this is not an urgent issue. But it is irritating, so if anyone has any ideas I would be most appreciative.

John H.
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Post by Beth » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:17 pm

When you performed the Add into whatever top level solution it was added to, did you use the Add from Source Control? If it's a website and you're in VS2005, then you would perform an Add Existing Website and select Source Control from the next window that opens.

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