Any reason to use SourceOffSite for VSS 2005?

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Any reason to use SourceOffSite for VSS 2005?

Post by qaqaw » Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:08 pm


The dev team I'm with (stationed in California) is adding new devs in India. The new devs in India will need to access our repositories. We are currently using VSS 2005.

I've done some research and found that for VSS 6.0, you site actually links to a Microsoft site that recommends a third party software such as Sourcegears's SourceOffSite to access VSS over the internet.

I also noticed one of the new features of VSS 2005 is that it allows remote access as well. However, you guys claims that your software allows "up to 12 times faster than Visual SourceSafe over the Internet ." That test however was ran back in 1999.

So I'm wondering if our team should stick with VSS 2005's remote access capabilities or purchase SourceOffSite. If anybody can offer their experience with using any of these or other programs, I would greatly appreciate it.


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Post by jclausius » Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:43 pm


The VSS 2005 Internet client is only capable of running within the Visual Studio IDE. So any remote connectivity will be limited by the operations within the Visual Studio IDE. You should also check on either Diff or History because one of those is not available with VSS 2005's Internet client.

SourceOffsite on the other hand has multiple clients that work remotely. So not only can you work remotely with the SourceOffsite Explorer client, but also the SourceOffsite command line as well as the SourceOffSite IDE plugin.

This also ensures you will have access to the full range of version control operations - share, branch, label, etc. and not be constrained by Visual Studio.

Others should feel free to share their experiences about using SourceOffsite.
Jeff Clausius

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