I've just got a new laptop but for the next few weeks will probably be using both until I'm happy with the setup on the new machine.
This afternoon I tried to set up Vault. Initially it didn't recognise the versions of the local files but once I'd copied over the contents of the Cache folder this worked fine. I can live with keeping this directory in sync between the two machines.
However the new machine doesn't report my checked out files in the "Pending Change Set" window. If I check a file I have checked out and modified it is marked as checked out but reported as a renegade (rather than edited as it is on the original laptop).
I tried copying over all the files in:
Local Settings\Application Data\SourceGear\Vault_1\Client\
but that didn't help.
Can anyone help?
Moving between laptops
Moderator: SourceGear
Vault was designed to work with a unique working directory and cache file for each user and client/client machine.
Copying the cache files over really won't sync up the two machines, since Vault also keeps track of which machine files are checked out to.
Also, if you checkout files on MachineA, modify them, and then try to check files in from MachineB, your changes will be lost because files on MachineB won't have the changes you made when you were working on MachineA.
If you're going to work on two different machines, the best way would be checkin any changes from one machine before you work on those files from another machine.
Copying the cache files over really won't sync up the two machines, since Vault also keeps track of which machine files are checked out to.
Also, if you checkout files on MachineA, modify them, and then try to check files in from MachineB, your changes will be lost because files on MachineB won't have the changes you made when you were working on MachineA.
If you're going to work on two different machines, the best way would be checkin any changes from one machine before you work on those files from another machine.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:55 am
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:55 am
We haven't tested this, but I think you'd still have two instances of client\cachefiles\working directories -- one for each OS.
You don't *have* to checkin everytime you switch clients, since you can checkout from more than one location, but if you're going to be working on the same files, I'd suggest checking in any changes just to be sure.
You don't *have* to checkin everytime you switch clients, since you can checkout from more than one location, but if you're going to be working on the same files, I'd suggest checking in any changes just to be sure.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager