VS.net - "open from source control" - host of prob

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VS.net - "open from source control" - host of prob

Post by vrapp » Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:57 pm

I have Visual Studio.Net project checked in in Vault. The project consists of the solution, project, and several forms and modules.

I start Visual Basic.Net and use menu file/source control/open from source control; I specify working folder and press OK.

VB.Net then retrieves only two files - .sln and .vbproj . It then shows error message:

The project <name> is under source control. An error occured registering the project with source control. It is recommended that you do not make any changes to the project.

I press OK and see another error message saying that the project is not bound to source control, but contains binding information.

All project files, i.e. forms, modules, etc., show up in the project explorer as missing, with yellow explamation marks (indeed, they were not fetched from the server).

I then make some more manipulations, unbind/rebind the solution and project. Initially VB wants to bind to server/project/project, and the status = invalid. I then change binding to server/project, and the status becomes valid. Then I "get latest version" for all forms etc. - "operation completed successfully", but yellow exclamation mark in project explorer does not disappear - until I open each form for design.

Looks like a total mess. Am I doing anything wrong?


Vadim Rapp

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Post by dan » Mon Apr 26, 2004 7:39 am

Is this is the first time this project has had an Open From Source Control done on it?

Often, there are problems getting a project set up and working correctly from the IDE, but once it is happy, it often stays happy. As long as you can now checkin and checkout files and it seems to work, I wouldn't mess with it :)

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One more note

Post by gmagana » Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:15 am

Things to check:

- Was the project/solution added to source control from withing the IDE? If you want to use source control from within the IDE, VS is happier if you add to versioncontrol from within the IDE.

- Are all the files in a directory at or below the level of the solution/project files? If you have files in other directory branches VS does not like it if you want to use source control.

- Lastly, you should try recreating the solution and project, make sure your paths make sense and re-add the project/solution to source control from withing the IDE after you get the paths straight. I had to do this severaltimes myself yo get it all straghtened out.
gabriel magana-gonzalez

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