Show History - Operation Failed

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Show History - Operation Failed

Post by AnthonPr » Tue Jan 30, 2007 3:59 pm

We have a file that will not show the history. The strange thing is that it works in VSS, but not in SOS.

When I try to show the history the status windows always says "Operation Failed".

I have run Analyze a couple of times on this particular database since seeing the error. That has not resolved the problem.

Client machine - Windows XP, SP2
SOS version - 4.1.2

Server machine - Windows 2003 Server, SP1
SOS version - 4.1.2

Please help.

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Post by Beth » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:01 am

Is this only on one file? Are all other files fine?

Can a different user see the history on it, or is it the same for everyone?

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Post by AnthonPr » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:14 am

It is only happening on one file. All other files seem to be ok.

It is the same for all users.

The file version of ssapi.dll is 8.0.50727.236

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Post by Beth » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:24 am

When you run analyze, do you do it twice? Once with the -f option and then again with the -c option?

One thing we've found sometimes forces a repair of a bad file in VSS is to perform an archive/restore using VSS. Can you set up a dummy database to perform the first restore to (make sure you give yourself access to it)? Just pick a small section that includes that file, archive it, and then restore it to the other database. Then add that dummy database to SOS in the Server Manager Tool, connect to it with a client, and see if you can view the history. If that works, then try restoring to back to where it was in VSS.

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Post by AnthonPr » Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:32 am

I ran Analyze twice. Both times using these switch options (-C -D -S -F -FL -FP -I- -V4 -DB)

I'll try the archive/restore option and report back the findings.

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Post by AnthonPr » Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:54 pm

I created a dummy database and it seems that running an archive/restore resolved the issue in it.

I will perform it on the database in question and hope for the same results.

If anything strange happens I will report that.

Thanks for your help.

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Post by AnthonPr » Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:29 pm

While the archive/restore seemed to work on a dummy database, it is not working on the live database in question. The problem still remains.

Please help.

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Post by Beth » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:10 am

On the dummy database, you were using the same version of VSS and the same automation component, right?

On restoring back to the original, is it possible for you to create a new project folder and to restore to that instead of the original location?

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Post by AnthonPr » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:13 am

Yes, the same version of the automation component was being used.

It's possible to create a new project folder, but for all intents and purposes, we would like to restore to the same exact location. Is that not an option?

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Post by Beth » Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:32 am

I've seen a few times where going with the same location won't work. I'm thinking it's some sort of corruption in that portion of the database. We've shown it works in a different location. It makes me wonder if the restore doesn't do a full overwrite if it sees things already there, but I'm not sure. One other thing that might work would be to delete the original file and then restore.

When you had done the archive and restore to a dummy database, had you archived the entire project or just that file? Are there shares to worry about?

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Post by AnthonPr » Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:37 am

I only archived the folder/project that contained the file in question.

That is something that I tried earlier though. When it would not restore properly, I deleted the entire folder. I then tried to restore again, but it still would not do it. I was apprehensive to perform a "destory permanently", so I just did a regular delete.

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Post by Beth » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:33 pm

What error are you getting? VSS is not allowing the restore due to seeing the same files maybe?

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Post by AnthonPr » Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:49 pm

Correct, that is the error I WAS getting.

Today, for some reason, that error has gone away. It successfully restored back to the original location. However, nothing has changed...I still get an "Operation Failed" when trying to show history.

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Post by Beth » Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:29 pm

I think the options left here are:

1) Make sure you still have the original archive of that file, completely destroy the errant file, and then restore to the original location.

2) Restore to a different location in the same repository. This might be worth trying anyway even before any destruction just to see if it would work.

3) Try a different automation component. It might not seem like that would do it, but it has been seen where trying a different automation component ends the problem.

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Post by AnthonPr » Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:00 pm

Hi Beth,

Surprisingly, your #3 option worked. I went back to the older automation component and that seemed to work. It seems to be a contradiction to the notion that using the newer automation component resolves this issue..but whatever works I guess.

Thanks for your help!

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