Project TreeView not displaying subprojects

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Project TreeView not displaying subprojects

Post by ScottBoston » Fri Apr 23, 2004 9:40 am

I'm accessing an offsite SOS server with the 4.0.0 unix client. I can connect successfully, and can do queries that show the files I have checked out (with the windows client on another PC). The Project treeview through just shows the top level project, and will not expand into the child projects.

I've tried the Redhat RPM, and built from source, same results. Any ideas?

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Post by sterwill » Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:46 am

What effect does clicking on the plus box next to the root item have? Are there any nodes underneath it?

SOS 4.0.0 requires a double-click to select a tree item (not to expand it, though). This will be fixed in the 4.1 Unix release (only a single-click will be required to select).
Shaw Terwilliger
SourceGear LLC
`echo sterwill5sourcegear6com | tr 56 @.`


Post by ScottBoston » Fri Apr 23, 2004 12:37 pm

sterwill wrote:What effect does clicking on the plus box next to the root item have? Are there any nodes underneath it?

SOS 4.0.0 requires a double-click to select a tree item (not to expand it, though). This will be fixed in the 4.1 Unix release (only a single-click will be required to select).
There's just a minus sign, no plus sign, and only a root item. Clicking, double-clicking, no effect.

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Post by sterwill » Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:47 pm

Try removing your cached tree information (it's in ~/.sos, which you can rename or delete) with the client not running, then try to log in again. Did you have any previous versions of SOS installed on this machine (or anywhere that shares your home directory)?
Shaw Terwilliger
SourceGear LLC
`echo sterwill5sourcegear6com | tr 56 @.`


Post by ScottBoston » Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:27 pm

Nope, I removed ~/.sos entirely, still the same problem. No earlier version of SOS installed on this one, I've used the Windows client until now. I was able to successfully Get Latest on the whole tree recursively, but no change on the treeview.


Post by SosTester » Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:38 am

I have no subfolders in project _or_ in Ctrl+A (Add files) dialog except those at a level higher up in the tree than my selected working dir. ie /test/me would show anything below / and /test but not anythin below /test/me.
My GTK is quite new (2.4.0) which may or may not have something to do with it. It's _not_ a debian system btw, but i would really appreciate if this was fixed. Because that would make me a happy camper and get you another license sold ...

Attached are a logfile which shows a few gtk warnings i got while starting the program and opening the add file menu.
Log with gtk warnings
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Post by sterwill » Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:38 am

Could both of you tell me which distributions you're using, and the version of GTK installed?
Shaw Terwilliger
SourceGear LLC
`echo sterwill5sourcegear6com | tr 56 @.`


Post by ScottBoston » Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:41 pm

Gentoo w/ kernel 2.6.5, gcc 3.3.3, glibc 2.3.2
gtk 2.4.0


Post by SosTester » Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:00 pm

That's almost exactly the same as me, except for the glibc version ( mine is glibc-2.3.3_pre20040207 ).

Dug around a little and generated a list of the shared libraries it loads and which package versions provides them.

snikkt at yah...
gentoo package versions
(80 KiB) Downloaded 1532 times


Post by ScottBoston » Tue May 04, 2004 7:32 pm

Any luck??

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Post by sterwill » Wed May 05, 2004 8:50 am

I'm sorry, I haven't had to time to replicate your environments and test SOS there. I think the problem may be GTK 2.4. All our build machines are using GTK 2.2, and something may have chnaged in 2.4 with regards to the (now obsolete, but still somewhat supported) GtkTree widget.
Shaw Terwilliger
SourceGear LLC
`echo sterwill5sourcegear6com | tr 56 @.`


Post by ScottBoston » Thu May 06, 2004 8:08 pm

Hey, great news! I just upgraded to gtk 2.4.1 and the bug is gone, works well now.

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happens on Fedora Core 2 as well

Post by RussellEast » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:29 pm

Just a quick addendum. I have Fedora Core 2 on my system, and experienced the same lack of tree-opening controls problem when using both SOS 3.5 and 4.0. So, I downloaded gtk+ 2.4.3, glib 2.4.2, atk 1.6.0 and pango 1.4.0 from Built them all into a private directory location, not /usr/local/bin for example - I didn't want to over-write FC2's idea of installed software. Then compiled sos 4.0 against these. I also set up a bash script that inserts the private directory's bin and lib into the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (resp.) before exec'ing sos. With this script, I can now run SOS 4.0 just fine within FC2. Thanks for the tips guys, and keep up the good work!

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Post by -peter- » Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:54 pm

When can one expect to have SOS work with the latest gtk/glib libraries? My work uses Visual SourceSafe and I would like to have them adopt SOS however I need the Unix Client to work with the latest libraries.

The problem is simple; the tree control does function (expand to be exact). Remove temporary files; recompile the latest and greates and still no go. I can not really compile against the past release of the gtk/glib libraries just to get around that problem.

Please let me know what I can expect in the near future from SourceGear. I was told that this issue was going to be resolved in the Unix 4.0 release; but it does not appear to be the case.

Thank you very-much in-advance.

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Post by sterwill » Wed Sep 22, 2004 9:17 am

The Unix SOS client should work with the latest GTK libraries. I believe the problem was only with GTK 2.4.0, which was released with bugs related to the tree control. This bug was fixed in GTK 2.4.1 (and all later versions), but many distributions shipped with 2.4.0.
Shaw Terwilliger
SourceGear LLC
`echo sterwill5sourcegear6com | tr 56 @.`

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