Changing SourceOffSite server location

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Changing SourceOffSite server location

Post by ocandelaria » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:21 pm


We have been using VSS and SOS for quite a few years now running in a machine that has become out-dated. We decided to move the VSS databases and SOS server to a new machine in a different location. As you can expect, the new machine has a different IP address than the old one.

I know that when users connect to the new servers, their clients will not keep the information about the files versions they have stored locally on their laptops or their working folders locations. What I would like to know is if there's a way to edit some configuration files on the SourceOffSite client installation folder so that their applications use the same configuration they had for the previous machine where the server was running.

I know that under the installation folder of SourceOffSite there is a folder named 'servers' that hold some local information about the configuration of the client, but I'm not sure if there is an easy way to edit it in order to get this result.


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Post by Beth » Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:12 pm

I don't think there is. I think you will have best results if your clients enter the new server information into the connect dialog when it comes up (by default it will show the old information), and then allow the client to build a fresh cache. The old cache shouldn't be needed.

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