Obliterate in 2.0.6

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Obliterate in 2.0.6

Post by frizzo » Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:44 pm

I deleted an entire branch in Vault 2.0.6 and now I am trying to obliterate (so that I can reclaim some disk space). So I go into the Admin tool, select the Obliterate tab, highlight the folder to obliterate, and press the Obliterate button. The computer then goes into a 90% CPU situation (mostly taken up by the SQL Server) for about 5 minutes. Then the Admin Tool comes up with the following error (attached), which doesn't really tell me anything. What am I missing here?
obliterateerror.jpg (106.25 KiB) Viewed 3277 times

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Post by Beth » Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:26 pm

What this means usually is that you deleted, but did not obliterate the branches of the items it references. Check in the obliterate tree to see if there are branches that were branched from the original that can be deleted.
You will want to undelete that branch and check the history for any branches involved with it and delete and obliterate those first.

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Post by frizzo » Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:54 pm

I am trying to delete $/Danim. There are no children of $/Danim in the list of items available for Obliteration. As you can see from the screenshot, the messagebox does not list any child nodes that need to be obliterated first, though it alludes to it.

So given all this, how can I obliterate this branch?

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Post by Beth » Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:29 am

Somewhere Danim was branched. You have to undelete it and check history to find where it was branched. Delete and obliterate all the things that were branched off from it, then you will be able to delete and obliterate that folder. It doesn't list the branches from it, because they were already deleted but not obliterated. If they weren't deleted at all it would see those other branches in the live repository and would list them.

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