Wrong Remote date in SOS Client 4.2 - linux fedora

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Wrong Remote date in SOS Client 4.2 - linux fedora

Post by przemyslaw.bok@pruftechni » Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:04 pm


We changed our SourceOffSite server 3.5 to 4.2.
In linux clients in column "Remote Date" for all files is shown wrong date - always 1970 year.

I checked in several clients and it was the same problem.
I checked date in server and windows clients and it is good.
Local date on PC also is correct.

Where could be the problem?

I use VSS 6.0c and SourceOffSite 4.2 server.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:19 pm

We haven't had other reports of this, so we'll try to reproduce it. What version of Fedora are you using?
Linda Bauer
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Wrong Remote date in SOS Client 4.2 - linux fedora

Post by przemyslaw.bok@pruftechni » Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:17 pm

lbauer wrote:We haven't had other reports of this, so we'll try to reproduce it. What version of Fedora are you using?
We are using Fedora Core 4.0
I am waiting for findings.

Przemyslaw Bok

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Post by lbauer » Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:07 pm

Thanks. We're setting up a Fedora Core 4 machine and we'll see if we can reproduce this.
Linda Bauer
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Post by lbauer » Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:02 pm

We did not test SOS 4.2 on Fedora Core 4 because that was an older version of Fedora. We did test it on Fedora Core 5.

We're having some problems installing SOS 4.2 on Fedora Core 4 because of dependency issues.

You sent me an private message that said the remote dates were wrong even when you using an SOS 4.1.2 client. However, we were able to install the SOS 4.1.2 client with no problems and connect to an SOS 4.2 server. The remote dates were fine.

Could you give me more specifics about your Fedora installations -- perhaps our Fedora setup is different than yours.

Also, try connecting to our SOS demo server: sos.sourceoffsite.com, user daffy, password duck. Do you see the same remote date problem?

As a temporary workaround you could reinstall an SOS 3.5.3 Server (it can run on the same machine as the SOS 4.2 Server), and have your Linux users use SOS 3.5.3 until we determine what the problem is.
Linda Bauer
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Post by przemyslaw.bok@pruftechni » Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:39 am

lbauer wrote:We did not test SOS 4.2 on Fedora Core 4 because that was an older version of Fedora. We did test it on Fedora Core 5.

We're having some problems installing SOS 4.2 on Fedora Core 4 because of dependency issues.

You sent me an private message that said the remote dates were wrong even when you using an SOS 4.1.2 client. However, we were able to install the SOS 4.1.2 client with no problems and connect to an SOS 4.2 server. The remote dates were fine.

Could you give me more specifics about your Fedora installations -- perhaps our Fedora setup is different than yours.

Also, try connecting to our SOS demo server: sos.sourceoffsite.com, user daffy, password duck. Do you see the same remote date problem?

As a temporary workaround you could reinstall an SOS 3.5.3 Server (it can run on the same machine as the SOS 4.2 Server), and have your Linux users use SOS 3.5.3 until we determine what the problem is.
I checked our klient with yours demo server, i also checked witch SOS server 3,5 and Client 4.2 correctly reading the RemoteDate.

Bat when I connect to our SOS 4.2 server from FC4 or FC5 i still have wrong RemoteDate (all 1970).
We are using FC4 Linux 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 kernel, i tested also witch fresh installation.
To install sospro-4.2-1.i386.rpm i have to install this additional packages:

Please let me know if You have any suggestions.


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Post by lbauer » Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:40 pm

We finally built an SOS 4.2 client on our Fedora Core 4 client since we kept getting dependency errors when we tried to install the pango package.

We connected to a couple of different SOS 4.2 servers, and the remote date was fine.

So this does not appear to be an issue specifically with SOS 4.2.

If you were able to connect to our demo server, with no problem, then it may be something to do with client-side cache file or with your SOS Server.

Another non-client variable is the SourceSafe automation component, which SOS uses to communicate with the VSS database.

What version of the VSS automation component is on the SOS Server machine? Here's how to find out:
Linda Bauer
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Post by przemyslaw.bok@pruftechni » Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:01 pm


File ssapi.dll is in c:\program files\Visual Source Safe\win32\SSAPI.DLL

the version is:

Maybe I try to install another SOS 4.2 server(different machine) without any ServicePack c or d?

Przemek Bok

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Post by lbauer » Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:19 pm

It's not the ssapi.dll version. I used the 93.50 version of the ssapi.dll and the remote date was fine.
Linda Bauer
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Post by przemyslaw.bok@pruftechni » Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:41 pm

lbauer wrote:It's not the ssapi.dll version. I used the 93.50 version of the ssapi.dll and the remote date was fine.
I think version is correct because my number contain 93.50, i write full number from tab
Now I'am on schooling for 5 days, and I couldn't install new sos server.

Could it be problem witch Visual Source Safe? Could You please check Yours testing system witch VSS6.0 witch ServicePack "c". I am using it.

Still I dont' know why Windows Client schows everythink OK, but linux client has problem witch RemoteDate, and it's the same problem witch all linux workstations :(

Przemek Bok

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Post by lbauer » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:54 pm

Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was that I did try it with ssapi.dll version and it worked fine for me. So the version of the ssap.dll is not causing the problem.

Are all of your SOS linux clients on Fedora Core 4? If so maybe it has something to do with the clients. We weren't able to install the download for the 4.2 SOS Fedora Client, even with the packages you used (we were still missing dependencies). So we built our own 4.2 client from source.

I can provide you with the client we built, or the source code so you can try building a client. Email me at Linda at SourceGear.com and I'll give you the details.

Since you could connect to our SOS Server with no remote date problems, it still could be something on the server side. Check the date and time on the SOS Server machine. Is it correct?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by przemyslaw.bok@pruftechni » Thu Dec 14, 2006 8:02 am

lbauer wrote:Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was that I did try it with ssapi.dll version and it worked fine for me. So the version of the ssap.dll is not causing the problem.

Are all of your SOS linux clients on Fedora Core 4? If so maybe it has something to do with the clients. We weren't able to install the download for the 4.2 SOS Fedora Client, even with the packages you used (we were still missing dependencies). So we built our own 4.2 client from source.

I can provide you with the client we built, or the source code so you can try building a client. Email me at Linda at SourceGear.com and I'll give you the details.

Since you could connect to our SOS Server with no remote date problems, it still could be something on the server side. Check the date and time on the SOS Server machine. Is it correct?
Today i installed bouth SOS serwer 3.5 and 4.2 on the same PC and tested by the same client on Fedora Core 4.0.
Database from SOS Server 3.5 was correctly recognized, and Remote Data was correct.
Unfortunately when I connect to SOS Server 4.2 and was reading the same database the Remote Data WASN'T CORRECT :(

I'am confised with this problem.

Please send me info about dependencies, that rpm cango and pairo which i send to You before should enough. If not please let me know. Maybe if You run client under FC 4.0 You can help me.

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Post by lbauer » Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:14 pm

Earlier this week, I sent you an email with a link to the SOS Client we built on our Fedora Core 4 installation. This client reported the correct remote dates.

Were you able to try that client on your own Fedora machines?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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