No share history?

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No share history?

Post by awdavis » Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:51 pm

I hope somebody can tell me I'm missing something, but when I look in the history of shared files, I can't find any entry that the "share" operation happened. Needless to say, when I filter to show only the share operations, nothing appears. This seems consistent over all shared files I can find.

Is there a checkbox I missed? Sure wish I could find those shares in the history so I could make sense of my tangled web of shares (and cut it back a bit.)

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Post by lbauer » Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:03 am

The share history appears in the folder history for the folder into which the file was shared. So if you shared $FolderA/file.txt into $/FolderB, the share history would be in FolderB's history.

If you want to find all the share actions for FolderA *and* FolderB, you would show history on the parent folder -- $/ (root) in this case, and filter by Share actions.

To find all the links for a particular shared file, right-click on the file and choose Properties->Share Links.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
