Problems importing VSS

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Problems importing VSS

Post by fcoulombe » Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:14 am

I am evaluating Vault and I have errors when I try to import files from VSS. I have VSS 6.0c and VSS Import Tools on the same machine. The vault server is on another. The log report the following errors:

Transaction failed
Transaction failed
Transaction failed
Transaction failed
Transaction failed
Transaction failed
Transaction failed
Transaction failed

How can I know what is wrong and what are the failed transactions ?


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Post by lbauer » Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:50 am

Is this the complete VSS import log?

Check the Vault Server log (sgvault.log in %windir%\temp\sgvault on the server machine) to see what errors might be logged there.

What version of Vault are you using?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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VSS Import

Post by fcoulombe » Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:27 pm

yes It's the complete VSS import log.

we are using the latest version (3.5.0)

I checked the Vault server log and I it is not easy to associate the errors in the server log with the errors in the import log.

See the attached file for the log.

I have another question, the space required for the files in source gear are much more than with Source safe (about 3 times). There is something we can do or it is the price to pay to have a better tool.

server log
(5.41 KiB) Downloaded 246 times

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Post by jclausius » Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:12 pm

Looks like your database is having some race conditions:

1) Edit the Vault Server's vault.config file. You will see an XML element named SQLCommandTimeout. Add an order of magnitude to that attribute. After the change/save, you'll need to restart the Vault Server (iisreset.exe should do the trick).

2) It also looks like you've enabled Security Rights on the repository. I would suggest temporarily disabling folder security (it is a property of the repository in the Admin Tool), do the import, and then re-enable folder security. Don't worry about any folder assignments you may have made, they will be preserved during the disable/enable of security rights.

Jeff Clausius

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