Corruption of files when removing them to work on??

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Corruption of files when removing them to work on??

Post by short1uk » Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:09 am

A remote user is reporting that when they input data via SOS it is fine however if they then take it back out to work on its corrupt.

There appears to be tags on the end of lines that make the files corrupt.

Any ideas?

I think the files are SQL query scripts or something like that the files we are talking about?

SOS version 3.5.3



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Post by Beth » Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:18 am

The first thing I'd suggest is running analyze on the VSS database to ensure that is sound.

Then some more questions:
When you say they are taking the file out, you mean a check out or are they removing it from source control?
Is SOS used solo or integrated with Visual Studio?

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