I find it very annoying that SOS will not get updated directory structure when get latest version is performed on root.
Please fix
Jared Sullivan
SOS Windows Client (feature Request)
Moderator: SourceGear
The SOS Client does not automatically refresh the project tree, and this is how SOS is designed to work.
Refreshing the project can be a very lengthy operation and can slow SOS down considerably. For that reason we have made it a manual operation, so the user must choose to do the refresh.
We do have a feature request logged for this, and I'll add your comments.
In the meantime, you can update the project tree under View->Refresh Project tree, prior to doing a Get Latest from Root.
Refreshing the project can be a very lengthy operation and can slow SOS down considerably. For that reason we have made it a manual operation, so the user must choose to do the refresh.
We do have a feature request logged for this, and I'll add your comments.
In the meantime, you can update the project tree under View->Refresh Project tree, prior to doing a Get Latest from Root.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager