So I create different repositories and one GroupAdminUser for each repositories.
The idea is that each GroupAdminUser can manage his repository but that each GroupAdminUser can not access other's repository.
So, as you say in the help file, I give Admin rights and restrict access to only his repository to GroupAdminUser .
All is fine, but when GroupAdminUser log in to Vault Admin Client, he can manage his profile and add himself as Administrator to all repositories he likes.
Do I miss something?
How can I avoid that?
The Admin user and users in the Admin Group are the only users that can open the Admin Tool.
Neither the Admin nor the Admin Group can have their rights or permissions changed. However, a member of the Admin Group can have their rights restricted to a specific folder. Admin Group does not override an individual’s assignment at a given folder. This allows a user to be part of an IT group without giving them the rights to modify files in a given project.