Source safe off site installation

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Source safe off site installation

Post by jreen » Fri Apr 16, 2004 8:17 am

I recently downloaded and purched licenses for Sourcesafe off site 4.0.
I have never installed this product be fore so please forgive my limited knowledge.

I have downloaded source safe off site 4.0 standard server to aloow remote users us source safe. However they cannot connect to it. I have configued it top point to our visual source safe database (srcsafe.ini) but our users keep getting the error message unable to connect to server.

I have noticed that the sourcesafe offsite service in the control panel is not started and when I try to start it I get the following error

"Error 2 the system cannot find the file specified"

Any ideas



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Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:13 am

Post by corey » Fri Apr 16, 2004 10:26 am


Please email me ( the log.txt file from your SourceOffSite Server installation directory.
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC

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