Operation Failed - $/

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Operation Failed - $/

Post by sgmartin18 » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:02 am

I have moved my installation of VSS 2005 to a different server. I can log into VSS 2005 with my ID and can view and traverse the tree with no problem. I have another server on the same subnet that I have temporarily loaded the client on to test. When I connect to the SOS server I get the following:

Loggin in…
Login successful
Downloading project tree – this may be a lengthy process – please wait….
Operation failed - $/

The administrator of VSS has run the analyze program and the databases are not corrupted.

On the server log I see this:

8/23/2006 6:53:38 AM - ****************************************************
8/23/2006 6:53:38 AM - SourceOffSite Server 4.1.2 Standard - No Cryptography

8/23/2006 6:53:38 AM - CurrentCulture is en-US.

8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Server Information
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Operating System: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Service Pack: 1.0
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - OS Version: 5.2.3790
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Locale: Ox0409
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - OSLanguage: 1033
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Total Physical Memory: 3.94 GB
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM -
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - SSAPI.dll Information:
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Location: file:///C:/Program Files/SourceOffSite Server/Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib.DLL
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - DisplayName: Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM -
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Started at 8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM

8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - General logging level is Error. Method logging is Disabled.

8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Number of licenses configured: 10
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - SourceSafe Initialization file(s) located at:
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - E:\NED Flash VSS\srcsafe.ini
8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - E:\Nielsen EDI VSS\srcsafe.ini

8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - nedbzda1 is attempting to listen for connections on unsecure port 8888

8/23/2006 6:53:39 AM - Waiting for a connection....secure = False
8/23/2006 6:55:56 AM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 1.
8/23/2006 6:55:58 AM - 1: Exception during Login: Invalid DOS path: E:\Nielsen EDI VSS\users\develope\ss.ini
8/23/2006 6:55:58 AM - 1: Invalid DOS path: E:\Nielsen EDI VSS\users\develope\ss.ini
8/23/2006 7:46:16 AM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 2.
8/23/2006 7:46:19 AM - 2: Exception: No such interface supported
8/23/2006 8:08:08 AM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 3.
8/23/2006 8:08:11 AM - 3: Exception: No such interface supported
8/23/2006 8:58:28 AM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 4.
8/23/2006 8:58:29 AM - 4: Exception: No such interface supported

Any ideas?

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Location: SourceGear

Post by jclausius » Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:16 am

Is the location of your Visual SourceSafe database (on E:\Nielsen EDI VSS\users\develope\ss.ini) located on a local drive or a network device which was mapped to E:\ ?
Jeff Clausius

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:33 am

Operation Failed - $/

Post by sgmartin18 » Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:03 pm

It's a local drive.

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Location: SourceGear

Post by jclausius » Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:21 pm

Can you look at the SourceOffsite Service within Windows Service?

Under what account is the SourceOffsite process running?

Does that account have full access to path of srcsafe.ini (E:\Nielsen EDI VSS\srcsafe.ini) ?
Jeff Clausius

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:33 am

Operation Failed - $/

Post by sgmartin18 » Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:28 pm

Just for grins I set it up to run as a local admin account, restarted the service and tried to connect again. I get the same error.

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Post by lbauer » Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:24 pm

You also emailed support and I sent you information about registering the VSS automation component, to make sure the right ssapi.dll was registered. Did that help?

SOS Server uses the VSS automation component to communicate with the VSS Database.

This error indicates there may be problem with the automation component:
Exception: No such interface supported
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:33 am

Operation Failed - $/

Post by sgmartin18 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:13 am

After clearing all entries in the registry that was requested and registering ssapi.dll, I get this error on the client:

The server was unable to connect to the Sourcesafe database.

Check your server's log file for additional information.

The log file contains this:

8/23/2006 10:55:45 PM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 4.
8/23/2006 10:55:54 PM - 4: Exception during Login: QueryInterface for interface SourceSafeTypeLib.IVSSDatabase failed.

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Post by lbauer » Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:22 pm

sgmartin18 had multiple ssapi.dll files on his machine. He registered the correct ssapi.dll (for VSS 2005), and SOS is now operational.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:49 am

Post by douknownam » Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:52 am

I get this same error message, except it only occurs with one specific VSS DB. Can anyone assist in the steps to resolve the issue?

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Post by lbauer » Wed May 02, 2007 7:50 am

What version of SOS Server and Client are you using?

What version of the VSS automation component? Here's how to find out the version:


Are there any errors in the SOS Server log that co-incide with the error?
The log is log.txt and is in the SOS Server directory. You can email the log to support at sourcegear. com ATTN: Linda.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by Kevin » Thu May 03, 2007 12:03 pm

I have the same problem, it doesn't occur all the time, but it consistently occurs within certain VSS folders, always the same ones.

Here's my version info:
SOS 3.5.3 server and client
VSS 6.0d

Here's a log snippet:
Thu May 03 13:48:16 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Begin Get File List Operation: $/Common Solutions/Common Web Automation Framework/Build-CHT/CWAFWebServices/CTWebBot/Utils
Thu May 03 13:48:16 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Getting version information
Thu May 03 13:48:16 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Version information obtained
Thu May 03 13:48:16 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Getting version information
Thu May 03 13:48:16 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Version information obtained
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Getting version information
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Version information obtained
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Getting version information
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Version information obtained
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Getting version information
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Version information obtained
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Getting version information
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Version information obtained
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Getting version information
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Version information obtained
Thu May 03 13:48:17 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - End Get File List Operation: $/Common Solutions/Common Web Automation Framework/Build-CHT/CWAFWebServices/CTWebBot/Utils
Thu May 03 13:48:27 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Begin Get File Operation: ScriptsSectionHandler.cs
Thu May 03 13:48:37 GMT-04:00 2007 - NY12WSLANEKEVI1 ( - Access to file "D:\Webs\data" denied

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Post by Beth » Thu May 03, 2007 3:59 pm

Is D:\Webs\data where your VSS database is located? Or is that your working folder? Is it a mapped drive?

You may need to give the account SOS runs under permissions to that folder.

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Post by Kevin » Thu May 03, 2007 4:29 pm

D:\Webs\data is where our VSS db is.
It is a local drive of our VSS web server.
The SOS service is running on Windows 2000, as LocalSystem account.
Like I said before, it works most of the time, but it doesn't work
for only certain files in certain folders. Any more suggestions?

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Post by lbauer » Tue May 08, 2007 1:53 pm

Is this consistently reproducible on those particular files?

Is there anything different about these files? What types of files are they? I assume you have no problem getting these files with a VSS client?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 9
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Location: NYC

Post by Kevin » Tue May 08, 2007 2:55 pm

Yes, it's consistently reproducible on those particular files via SOS. They are working fine when getting them via the VSS client.

>>>Is there anything different about these files? What types of files are they? The files are .asmx text files, of which we have many that work fine.
The issue seems to be limited to the files in a specific VSS project folder.
I've attached a screen shot of the issue.
FYI. Not sure if this is pertinent, but the SOS user is in Houston and the VSS server is in NYC.
Thanks, Kevin
SOS error.GIF
SOS error
SOS error.GIF (128.29 KiB) Viewed 14994 times

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