I am getting ready to migrate from VSS to Vault. I have performed a couple trial runs of the import and have things ready to go.
I have a database with several repositories that I want to delete. I read a knowledge base article that indicates a bug in SQL Server SP4 prevents me from deleting repositories.
Is there an easy way to re-create a brand new blank database schema? And now I don't have any clean database backups.
Thanks in advance.
Create blank database? Can't delete unwanted repositories.
Moderator: SourceGear
If you want to start with a brand new database without ANY repositories, uninstall the Vault Server. When prompted, choose you wish to REMOVE the database. As a safety pre-caution, you will be asked if the database should be removed two times. Answer you wish to remove it for both dialogs.
Then you can re-install without any database, and the Server installation will create a new, blank database.
Then you can re-install without any database, and the Server installation will create a new, blank database.
Jeff Clausius
You basically have two choices: uninstall / re-install or delete the repositories within the Admin Tool.
Note, you could keep a copy of the VaultService web.config file. Then after re-installation, you could see what has changed, and merge in any items req'd by Active Directory.
Note, you could keep a copy of the VaultService web.config file. Then after re-installation, you could see what has changed, and merge in any items req'd by Active Directory.
Jeff Clausius