SOS 4.1.2 hanging on get latest

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SOS 4.1.2 hanging on get latest

Post by cds » Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:55 pm


I yesterday ran into some severe issues with doing 'get latest' to get a complete new sourcetree: SOS suddenly hung at one point. Accessing the SOS-server with a client still was possible, but the login to the VSS database then hung also for ever. The only way was to restart the service.
This happend two times at exactely the same point ( no concurrent access !).

We are still in the evaluation phase, but clearly such behaviour is not acceptable for us - especially since the server is in the US and the client in Germany, what means worst case that there is a delay of 6 hours where nobody can access SOS any more.

From reading through this forum I understood that such issues come from the VSS automation layer. If so, is it not possible to implement a feature that the SOS server detects such problems and restarts the automation component automaticly? Or an option to trigger a restart of the VSS component from the SOS client ?

It still wouldn't be nice, but way better than having to wait for an admin to restart manually.

Beside this SOS works great and I don't really want to try if competior products behave more stable here.


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Post by Beth » Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:16 am

Have you seen this post on this issue?

This should help solve the hangs. I can also put in a feature request for you if you want.

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Post by cds » Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:53 am


This allready has been checked.

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Post by Beth » Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:49 pm

I'm assuming then you went through the recommended changes, or were you trying to just make a feature request for something different to be done about it?

For further troubleshooting, would you mind sending me your SOS log.txt file that's located on the SOS Server machine? You can e-mail it to me at beth at

Also, on that log, can you change your logging level from 1 to 4 and enable Method logging? Directions to apply these changes can be found here: ... ing+enable
Last edited by Beth on Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cds » Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:31 am


the recommended changes where not even necessary, everything allready was as recommended. In addition I would appreciate the mentioned features.

I'l have too see if I can get a log file, but I don't have direct access to the server so that can be tricky - especially sinc our corporate IT-department is not really happy with debugging applications.

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Post by cds » Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:51 am

One update here:

I think I found toe cause of the problem: SOS seemed to be stuck (and completely hanging) on one particular Folder.
What I didn't recognise before was that this folder contains about 3500 Files - I would agree that any action here might take a while.

What I not really can agree is the behaviour of SOS here: When I recognise that something like this happens and I hit the STOP button, I would expect the server really to stop that transaction.
This seems not to be the case. Even when the client stops and reconnects then ALL transactions are really slow for a longer while (30 minutes ).

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Post by Beth » Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:17 am

Linda addressed the issue with the Stop operation in this post. ... top+server
She has a link to more information that might help with that part.

What version of the VSS automation component are you using? That could be causing some issues for you as well. This KB article addresses the issues seen with the automation component:

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