Does anyone know where to download CruiseControl.NET, all the download links seem to be broken?
Also does anyone know if CruiseControl kit (not the server) is compatible with vault.
Moderator: SourceGear
I just looked, and had no trouble downloading 1.0 final from SourceForge ( ... e_id=83198) or the latest 1.1 builds from their build server (
The general "jumping off point" for CC.NET downloads is here: http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.o ... T/Download
The general "jumping off point" for CC.NET downloads is here: http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.o ... T/Download
Ian Olsen
I neglected your second question. I'm not sure what you mean by "CruiseControl kit". Can you clarify that? In general, Vault works well with CruiseControl.NET, though you need a 1.1 build for best results. There's accurate and detailed info about what versions are necessary here: http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.o ... trol+Block
Ian Olsen
Thanks a lot for your help, for some reason i could not find the working links. The ones you provided work perfectly.
For the second part of my question, I meant that to my understanding there is two ways to use CruiseControl, to either use CruiseControl Toolkit (CC) -, or CruiseControl.NET (CCNET) integration server. So that's why I asked if CC is compatible with Vault.
For the second part of my question, I meant that to my understanding there is two ways to use CruiseControl, to either use CruiseControl Toolkit (CC) -, or CruiseControl.NET (CCNET) integration server. So that's why I asked if CC is compatible with Vault.
I think I get it now.
CruiseControl is the Java-based continuous integration server from which CruiseControl.NET descended. They solve the same problems, they're simply built on different platforms. Java developers typically use CruiseControl and .NET developers typically use CruiseControl.NET, though strictly speaking you could use either one as part of a toolkit to build virtually anything.
Vault integrates well with CruiseControl.NET. You could make Vault work with CruiseControl, but you'd have to do substantially more work.

CruiseControl is the Java-based continuous integration server from which CruiseControl.NET descended. They solve the same problems, they're simply built on different platforms. Java developers typically use CruiseControl and .NET developers typically use CruiseControl.NET, though strictly speaking you could use either one as part of a toolkit to build virtually anything.
Vault integrates well with CruiseControl.NET. You could make Vault work with CruiseControl, but you'd have to do substantially more work.
Ian Olsen